10 #ifndef DWRITE_H_INCLUDED 11 #define DWRITE_H_INCLUDED 15 #ifndef DWRITE_NO_WINDOWS_H 17 #include <specstrings.h> 20 #endif // DWRITE_NO_WINDOWS_H 24 #ifndef DWRITE_DECLARE_INTERFACE 25 #define DWRITE_DECLARE_INTERFACE(iid) DECLSPEC_UUID(iid) DECLSPEC_NOVTABLE 29 #define DWRITE_EXPORT __declspec(dllimport) WINAPI 159 #ifdef DEFINE_ENUM_FLAG_OPERATORS 649 #define DWRITE_MAKE_OPENTYPE_TAG(a,b,c,d) ( \ 650 (static_cast<UINT32>(static_cast<UINT8>(d)) << 24) | \ 651 (static_cast<UINT32>(static_cast<UINT8>(c)) << 16) | \ 652 (static_cast<UINT32>(static_cast<UINT8>(b)) << 8) | \ 653 static_cast<UINT32>(static_cast<UINT8>(a))) 658 #define DWRITE_MAKE_FONT_FEATURE_TAG(a,b,c,d) (static_cast<DWRITE_FONT_FEATURE_TAG>(DWRITE_MAKE_OPENTYPE_TAG(a,b,c,d))) 660 interface IDWriteFontFileStream;
684 STDMETHOD(CreateStreamFromKey)(
685 _In_reads_bytes_(fontFileReferenceKeySize)
void const* fontFileReferenceKey,
686 UINT32 fontFileReferenceKeySize,
687 _COM_Outptr_ IDWriteFontFileStream** fontFileStream
696 interface DWRITE_DECLARE_INTERFACE("b2d9f3ec-c9fe-4a11-a2ec-d86208f7c0a2") IDWriteLocalFontFileLoader :
public IDWriteFontFileLoader
708 STDMETHOD(GetFilePathLengthFromKey)(
709 _In_reads_bytes_(fontFileReferenceKeySize)
void const* fontFileReferenceKey,
710 UINT32 fontFileReferenceKeySize,
711 _Out_
UINT32* filePathLength
725 STDMETHOD(GetFilePathFromKey)(
726 _In_reads_bytes_(fontFileReferenceKeySize)
void const* fontFileReferenceKey,
727 UINT32 fontFileReferenceKeySize,
728 _Out_writes_z_(filePathSize) WCHAR* filePath,
742 STDMETHOD(GetLastWriteTimeFromKey)(
743 _In_reads_bytes_(fontFileReferenceKeySize)
void const* fontFileReferenceKey,
744 UINT32 fontFileReferenceKeySize,
745 _Out_ FILETIME* lastWriteTime
768 STDMETHOD(ReadFileFragment)(
769 _Outptr_result_bytebuffer_(fragmentSize)
void const** fragmentStart,
772 _Out_
void** fragmentContext
void, ReleaseFileFragment)(
780 void* fragmentContext
796 STDMETHOD(GetFileSize)(
810 STDMETHOD(GetLastWriteTime)(
811 _Out_
UINT64* lastWriteTime
829 STDMETHOD(GetReferenceKey)(
830 _Outptr_result_bytebuffer_(*fontFileReferenceKeySize)
void const** fontFileReferenceKey,
831 _Out_
UINT32* fontFileReferenceKeySize
841 STDMETHOD(GetLoader)(
842 _COM_Outptr_ IDWriteFontFileLoader** fontFileLoader
865 _Out_
BOOL* isSupportedFontType,
868 _Out_
UINT32* numberOfFaces
FLOAT, GetGamma)() PURE;
FLOAT, GetEnhancedContrast)() PURE;
FLOAT, GetClearTypeLevel)() PURE;
1061 STDMETHOD(GetFiles)(
1062 _Inout_
UINT32* numberOfFiles,
1063 _Out_writes_opt_(*numberOfFiles) IDWriteFontFile** fontFiles
UINT32, GetIndex)() PURE;
BOOL, IsSymbolFont)() PURE;
void, GetMetrics)(
UINT16, GetGlyphCount)() PURE;
1111 STDMETHOD(GetDesignGlyphMetrics)(
1112 _In_reads_(glyphCount)
UINT16 const* glyphIndices,
1132 STDMETHOD(GetGlyphIndices)(
1133 _In_reads_(codePointCount)
UINT32 const* codePoints,
1135 _Out_writes_(codePointCount)
UINT16* glyphIndices
1172 STDMETHOD(TryGetFontTable)(
1173 _In_
UINT32 openTypeTableTag,
1174 _Outptr_result_bytebuffer_(*tableSize)
const void** tableData,
1176 _Out_
void** tableContext,
void, ReleaseFontTable)(
1185 _In_
void* tableContext
1205 STDMETHOD(GetGlyphRunOutline)(
1207 _In_reads_(glyphCount)
UINT16 const* glyphIndices,
1208 _In_reads_opt_(glyphCount)
FLOAT const* glyphAdvances,
1235 STDMETHOD(GetRecommendedRenderingMode)(
1254 STDMETHOD(GetGdiCompatibleMetrics)(
1286 STDMETHOD(GetGdiCompatibleGlyphMetrics)(
1291 _In_reads_(glyphCount)
UINT16 const* glyphIndices,
1300 interface IDWriteFontFileEnumerator;
1311 interface DWRITE_DECLARE_INTERFACE("cca920e4-52f0-492
b-bfa8-29c72ee0a468") IDWriteFontCollectionLoader :
public IUnknown
1325 STDMETHOD(CreateEnumeratorFromKey)(
1327 _In_reads_bytes_(collectionKeySize)
void const* collectionKey,
1328 UINT32 collectionKeySize,
1329 _COM_Outptr_ IDWriteFontFileEnumerator** fontFileEnumerator
1337 interface DWRITE_DECLARE_INTERFACE("72755049-5ff7-435d-8348-4be97cfa6c7c") IDWriteFontFileEnumerator :
public IUnknown
1348 STDMETHOD(MoveNext)(
1349 _Out_
BOOL* hasCurrentFile
1359 STDMETHOD(GetCurrentFontFile)(
1360 _COM_Outptr_ IDWriteFontFile** fontFile
UINT32, GetCount)() PURE;
1384 STDMETHOD(FindLocaleName)(
1385 _In_z_ WCHAR
const* localeName,
1398 STDMETHOD(GetLocaleNameLength)(
1413 STDMETHOD(GetLocaleName)(
1415 _Out_writes_z_(
size) WCHAR* localeName,
1427 STDMETHOD(GetStringLength)(
1442 STDMETHOD(GetString)(
1444 _Out_writes_z_(
size) WCHAR* stringBuffer,
1450 interface IDWriteFont;
UINT32, GetFontFamilyCount)() PURE;
1470 STDMETHOD(GetFontFamily)(
1484 STDMETHOD(FindFamilyName)(
1485 _In_z_ WCHAR
const* familyName,
1499 STDMETHOD(GetFontFromFontFace)(
1501 _COM_Outptr_ IDWriteFont**
font 1517 STDMETHOD(GetFontCollection)(
1518 _COM_Outptr_ IDWriteFontCollection** fontCollection
UINT32, GetFontCount)() PURE;
1536 _COM_Outptr_ IDWriteFont**
font 1553 STDMETHOD(GetFamilyNames)(
1554 _COM_Outptr_ IDWriteLocalizedStrings**
names 1567 STDMETHOD(GetFirstMatchingFont)(
1571 _COM_Outptr_ IDWriteFont** matchingFont
1584 STDMETHOD(GetMatchingFonts)(
1588 _COM_Outptr_ IDWriteFontList** matchingFonts
1604 STDMETHOD(GetFontFamily)(
BOOL, IsSymbolFont)() PURE;
1635 STDMETHOD(GetFaceNames)(
1636 _COM_Outptr_ IDWriteLocalizedStrings**
names 1649 STDMETHOD(GetInformationalStrings)(
1651 _COM_Outptr_result_maybenull_ IDWriteLocalizedStrings** informationalStrings,
void, GetMetrics)(
1676 STDMETHOD(HasCharacter)(
1688 STDMETHOD(CreateFontFace)(
2040 interface IDWriteTypography;
2041 interface IDWriteInlineObject;
2058 STDMETHOD(SetTextAlignment)(
2069 STDMETHOD(SetParagraphAlignment)(
2080 STDMETHOD(SetWordWrapping)(
2096 STDMETHOD(SetReadingDirection)(
2112 STDMETHOD(SetFlowDirection)(
2123 STDMETHOD(SetIncrementalTabStop)(
2124 FLOAT incrementalTabStop
2141 STDMETHOD(SetTrimming)(
2143 _In_opt_ IDWriteInlineObject* trimmingSign
2159 STDMETHOD(SetLineSpacing)(
FLOAT, GetIncrementalTabStop)() PURE;
2203 STDMETHOD(GetTrimming)(
2205 _COM_Outptr_ IDWriteInlineObject** trimmingSign
2217 STDMETHOD(GetLineSpacing)(
2219 _Out_
FLOAT* lineSpacing,
2220 _Out_
FLOAT* baseline
2230 STDMETHOD(GetFontCollection)(
2231 _COM_Outptr_ IDWriteFontCollection** fontCollection
UINT32, GetFontFamilyNameLength)() PURE;
2247 STDMETHOD(GetFontFamilyName)(
2248 _Out_writes_z_(nameSize) WCHAR* fontFamilyName,
FLOAT, GetFontSize)() PURE;
UINT32, GetLocaleNameLength)() PURE;
2285 STDMETHOD(GetLocaleName)(
2286 _Out_writes_z_(nameSize) WCHAR* localeName,
2304 STDMETHOD(AddFontFeature)(
UINT32, GetFontFeatureCount)() PURE;
2321 STDMETHOD(GetFontFeature)(
2340 #ifdef DEFINE_ENUM_FLAG_OPERATORS 2466 interface DWRITE_DECLARE_INTERFACE("14885CC9-BAB0-4f90-B6ED-5C366A2CD03D") IDWriteNumberSubstitution :
public IUnknown
2531 interface DWRITE_DECLARE_INTERFACE("688e1a58-5094-47c8-adc8-fbcea60ae92b") IDWriteTextAnalysisSource :
public IUnknown
2559 STDMETHOD(GetTextAtPosition)(
2561 _Outptr_result_buffer_(*textLength) WCHAR
const** textString,
2584 STDMETHOD(GetTextBeforePosition)(
2586 _Outptr_result_buffer_(*textLength) WCHAR
const** textString,
2607 STDMETHOD(GetLocaleName)(
2609 _Out_
UINT32* textLength,
2610 _Outptr_result_z_ WCHAR
const** localeName
2627 STDMETHOD(GetNumberSubstitution)(
2629 _Out_
UINT32* textLength,
2630 _COM_Outptr_ IDWriteNumberSubstitution** numberSubstitution
2640 interface DWRITE_DECLARE_INTERFACE("5810cd44-0ca0-4701-b3fa-bec5182ae4f6") IDWriteTextAnalysisSink :
public IUnknown
2651 STDMETHOD(SetScriptAnalysis)(
2667 STDMETHOD(SetLineBreakpoints)(
2687 STDMETHOD(SetBidiLevel)(
2690 UINT8 explicitLevel,
2711 STDMETHOD(SetNumberSubstitution)(
2714 _In_ IDWriteNumberSubstitution* numberSubstitution
2735 STDMETHOD(AnalyzeScript)(
2736 _In_ IDWriteTextAnalysisSource* analysisSource,
2739 _In_ IDWriteTextAnalysisSink* analysisSink
2762 STDMETHOD(AnalyzeBidi)(
2763 _In_ IDWriteTextAnalysisSource* analysisSource,
2766 _In_ IDWriteTextAnalysisSink* analysisSink
2790 STDMETHOD(AnalyzeNumberSubstitution)(
2791 _In_ IDWriteTextAnalysisSource* analysisSource,
2794 _In_ IDWriteTextAnalysisSink* analysisSink
2825 STDMETHOD(AnalyzeLineBreakpoints)(
2826 _In_ IDWriteTextAnalysisSource* analysisSource,
2829 _In_ IDWriteTextAnalysisSink* analysisSink
2878 STDMETHOD(GetGlyphs)(
2879 _In_reads_(textLength) WCHAR
const* textString,
2885 _In_opt_z_ WCHAR
const* localeName,
2886 _In_opt_ IDWriteNumberSubstitution* numberSubstitution,
2888 _In_reads_opt_(featureRanges)
UINT32 const* featureRangeLengths,
2891 _Out_writes_(textLength)
UINT16* clusterMap,
2893 _Out_writes_(maxGlyphCount)
UINT16* glyphIndices,
2895 _Out_
UINT32* actualGlyphCount
2930 STDMETHOD(GetGlyphPlacements)(
2931 _In_reads_(textLength) WCHAR
const* textString,
2932 _In_reads_(textLength)
UINT16 const* clusterMap,
2935 _In_reads_(glyphCount)
UINT16 const* glyphIndices,
2943 _In_opt_z_ WCHAR
const* localeName,
2945 _In_reads_opt_(featureRanges)
UINT32 const* featureRangeLengths,
2947 _Out_writes_(glyphCount)
FLOAT* glyphAdvances,
2992 STDMETHOD(GetGdiCompatibleGlyphPlacements)(
2993 _In_reads_(textLength) WCHAR
const* textString,
2994 _In_reads_(textLength)
UINT16 const* clusterMap,
2997 _In_reads_(glyphCount)
UINT16 const* glyphIndices,
3008 _In_opt_z_ WCHAR
const* localeName,
3010 _In_reads_opt_(featureRanges)
UINT32 const* featureRangeLengths,
3012 _Out_writes_(glyphCount)
FLOAT* glyphAdvances,
3486 interface IDWriteTextRenderer;
3511 _In_opt_
void* clientDrawingContext,
3512 _In_ IDWriteTextRenderer* renderer,
3517 _In_opt_ IUnknown* clientDrawingEffect
3527 STDMETHOD(GetMetrics)(
3547 STDMETHOD(GetOverhangMetrics)(
3560 STDMETHOD(GetBreakConditions)(
3580 STDMETHOD(IsPixelSnappingDisabled)(
3581 _In_opt_
void* clientDrawingContext,
3582 _Out_
BOOL* isDisabled
3594 STDMETHOD(GetCurrentTransform)(
3595 _In_opt_
void* clientDrawingContext,
3609 STDMETHOD(GetPixelsPerDip)(
3610 _In_opt_
void* clientDrawingContext,
3611 _Out_
FLOAT* pixelsPerDip
3620 interface DWRITE_DECLARE_INTERFACE("ef8a8135-5cc6-45fe-8825-c5a0724eb819") IDWriteTextRenderer :
public IDWritePixelSnapping
3645 STDMETHOD(DrawGlyphRun)(
3646 _In_opt_
void* clientDrawingContext,
3647 FLOAT baselineOriginX,
3648 FLOAT baselineOriginY,
3652 _In_opt_ IUnknown* clientDrawingEffect
3682 STDMETHOD(DrawUnderline)(
3683 _In_opt_
void* clientDrawingContext,
3684 FLOAT baselineOriginX,
3685 FLOAT baselineOriginY,
3687 _In_opt_ IUnknown* clientDrawingEffect
3713 STDMETHOD(DrawStrikethrough)(
3714 _In_opt_
void* clientDrawingContext,
3715 FLOAT baselineOriginX,
3716 FLOAT baselineOriginY,
3718 _In_opt_ IUnknown* clientDrawingEffect
3741 STDMETHOD(DrawInlineObject)(
3742 _In_opt_
void* clientDrawingContext,
3745 _In_ IDWriteInlineObject* inlineObject,
3748 _In_opt_ IUnknown* clientDrawingEffect
3767 STDMETHOD(SetMaxWidth)(
3778 STDMETHOD(SetMaxHeight)(
3790 STDMETHOD(SetFontCollection)(
3791 _In_ IDWriteFontCollection* fontCollection,
3803 STDMETHOD(SetFontFamilyName)(
3804 _In_z_ WCHAR
const* fontFamilyName,
3816 STDMETHOD(SetFontWeight)(
3829 STDMETHOD(SetFontStyle)(
3842 STDMETHOD(SetFontStretch)(
3855 STDMETHOD(SetFontSize)(
3868 STDMETHOD(SetUnderline)(
3881 STDMETHOD(SetStrikethrough)(
3882 BOOL hasStrikethrough,
3898 STDMETHOD(SetDrawingEffect)(
3899 IUnknown* drawingEffect,
3916 STDMETHOD(SetInlineObject)(
3917 _In_ IDWriteInlineObject* inlineObject,
3929 STDMETHOD(SetTypography)(
3930 _In_ IDWriteTypography* typography,
3942 STDMETHOD(SetLocaleName)(
3943 _In_z_ WCHAR
const* localeName,
FLOAT, GetMaxWidth)() PURE;
FLOAT, GetMaxHeight)() PURE;
3966 STDMETHOD(GetFontCollection)(
3968 _COM_Outptr_ IDWriteFontCollection** fontCollection,
3981 STDMETHOD(GetFontFamilyNameLength)(
3983 _Out_
UINT32* nameLength,
3997 STDMETHOD(GetFontFamilyName)(
3999 _Out_writes_z_(nameSize) WCHAR* fontFamilyName,
4013 STDMETHOD(GetFontWeight)(
4028 STDMETHOD(GetFontStyle)(
4043 STDMETHOD(GetFontStretch)(
4058 STDMETHOD(GetFontSize)(
4060 _Out_
FLOAT* fontSize,
4073 STDMETHOD(GetUnderline)(
4075 _Out_
BOOL* hasUnderline,
4088 STDMETHOD(GetStrikethrough)(
4090 _Out_
BOOL* hasStrikethrough,
4103 STDMETHOD(GetDrawingEffect)(
4105 _COM_Outptr_ IUnknown** drawingEffect,
4118 STDMETHOD(GetInlineObject)(
4120 _COM_Outptr_ IDWriteInlineObject** inlineObject,
4133 STDMETHOD(GetTypography)(
4135 _COM_Outptr_ IDWriteTypography** typography,
4148 STDMETHOD(GetLocaleNameLength)(
4150 _Out_
UINT32* nameLength,
4164 STDMETHOD(GetLocaleName)(
4166 _Out_writes_z_(nameSize) WCHAR* localeName,
4184 _In_opt_
void* clientDrawingContext,
4185 _In_ IDWriteTextRenderer* renderer,
4206 STDMETHOD(GetLineMetrics)(
4209 _Out_
UINT32* actualLineCount
4225 STDMETHOD(GetMetrics)(
4242 STDMETHOD(GetOverhangMetrics)(
4261 STDMETHOD(GetClusterMetrics)(
4264 _Out_
UINT32* actualClusterCount
4275 STDMETHOD(DetermineMinWidth)(
4276 _Out_
FLOAT* minWidth
4299 STDMETHOD(HitTestPoint)(
4302 _Out_
BOOL* isTrailingHit,
4303 _Out_
BOOL* isInside,
4334 STDMETHOD(HitTestTextPosition)(
4337 _Out_
FLOAT* pointX,
4338 _Out_
FLOAT* pointY,
4382 STDMETHOD(HitTestTextRange)(
4388 UINT32 maxHitTestMetricsCount,
4389 _Out_
UINT32* actualHitTestMetricsCount
4392 using IDWriteTextFormat::GetFontCollection;
4393 using IDWriteTextFormat::GetFontFamilyNameLength;
4394 using IDWriteTextFormat::GetFontFamilyName;
4395 using IDWriteTextFormat::GetFontWeight;
4396 using IDWriteTextFormat::GetFontStyle;
4397 using IDWriteTextFormat::GetFontStretch;
4398 using IDWriteTextFormat::GetFontSize;
4399 using IDWriteTextFormat::GetLocaleNameLength;
4400 using IDWriteTextFormat::GetLocaleName;
4407 interface DWRITE_DECLARE_INTERFACE("5e5a32a3-8dff-4773-9ff6-0696eab77267") IDWriteBitmapRenderTarget :
public IUnknown
4428 STDMETHOD(DrawGlyphRun)(
4429 FLOAT baselineOriginX,
4430 FLOAT baselineOriginY,
4435 _Out_opt_ RECT* blackBoxRect =
FLOAT, GetPixelsPerDip)() PURE;
4469 STDMETHOD(SetPixelsPerDip)(
4482 STDMETHOD(GetCurrentTransform)(
4495 STDMETHOD(SetCurrentTransform)(
4538 STDMETHOD(CreateFontFromLOGFONT)(
4539 _In_ LOGFONTW
const* logFont,
4540 _COM_Outptr_ IDWriteFont**
font 4553 STDMETHOD(ConvertFontToLOGFONT)(
4554 _In_ IDWriteFont*
4555 _Out_ LOGFONTW* logFont,
4556 _Out_
BOOL* isSystemFont
4567 STDMETHOD(ConvertFontFaceToLOGFONT)(
4569 _Out_ LOGFONTW* logFont
4582 STDMETHOD(CreateFontFaceFromHdc)(
4594 STDMETHOD(CreateBitmapRenderTarget)(
4624 #define DWRITE_ALPHA_MAX 255 4629 interface DWRITE_DECLARE_INTERFACE("7d97dbf7-e085-42d4-81e3-6a883bded118") IDWriteGlyphRunAnalysis :
public IUnknown
4642 STDMETHOD(GetAlphaTextureBounds)(
4644 _Out_ RECT* textureBounds
4660 STDMETHOD(CreateAlphaTexture)(
4662 _In_ RECT
const* textureBounds,
4663 _Out_writes_bytes_(bufferSize) BYTE* alphaValues,
4676 STDMETHOD(GetAlphaBlendParams)(
4678 _Out_
FLOAT* blendGamma,
4679 _Out_
FLOAT* blendEnhancedContrast,
4680 _Out_
FLOAT* blendClearTypeLevel
4700 STDMETHOD(GetSystemFontCollection)(
4701 _COM_Outptr_ IDWriteFontCollection** fontCollection,
4716 STDMETHOD(CreateCustomFontCollection)(
4717 _In_ IDWriteFontCollectionLoader* collectionLoader,
4718 _In_reads_bytes_(collectionKeySize)
void const* collectionKey,
4719 UINT32 collectionKeySize,
4720 _COM_Outptr_ IDWriteFontCollection** fontCollection
4730 STDMETHOD(RegisterFontCollectionLoader)(
4731 _In_ IDWriteFontCollectionLoader* fontCollectionLoader
4741 STDMETHOD(UnregisterFontCollectionLoader)(
4742 _In_ IDWriteFontCollectionLoader* fontCollectionLoader
4758 STDMETHOD(CreateFontFileReference)(
4759 _In_z_ WCHAR
const* filePath,
4760 _In_opt_ FILETIME
const* lastWriteTime,
4761 _COM_Outptr_ IDWriteFontFile** fontFile
4783 STDMETHOD(CreateCustomFontFileReference)(
4784 _In_reads_bytes_(fontFileReferenceKeySize)
void const* fontFileReferenceKey,
4785 UINT32 fontFileReferenceKeySize,
4786 _In_ IDWriteFontFileLoader* fontFileLoader,
4787 _COM_Outptr_ IDWriteFontFile** fontFile
4804 STDMETHOD(CreateFontFace)(
4807 _In_reads_(numberOfFiles) IDWriteFontFile*
const* fontFiles,
4820 STDMETHOD(CreateRenderingParams)(
4832 STDMETHOD(CreateMonitorRenderingParams)(
4849 STDMETHOD(CreateCustomRenderingParams)(
4851 FLOAT enhancedContrast,
4852 FLOAT clearTypeLevel,
4877 STDMETHOD(RegisterFontFileLoader)(
4878 _In_ IDWriteFontFileLoader* fontFileLoader
4899 STDMETHOD(UnregisterFontFileLoader)(
4900 _In_ IDWriteFontFileLoader* fontFileLoader
4921 STDMETHOD(CreateTextFormat)(
4922 _In_z_ WCHAR
const* fontFamilyName,
4923 _In_opt_ IDWriteFontCollection* fontCollection,
4928 _In_z_ WCHAR
const* localeName,
4939 STDMETHOD(CreateTypography)(
4940 _COM_Outptr_ IDWriteTypography** typography
4950 STDMETHOD(GetGdiInterop)(
4951 _COM_Outptr_ IDWriteGdiInterop** gdiInterop
4968 STDMETHOD(CreateTextLayout)(
4969 _In_reads_(stringLength) WCHAR
5001 STDMETHOD(CreateGdiCompatibleTextLayout)(
5002 _In_reads_(stringLength) WCHAR
5023 STDMETHOD(CreateEllipsisTrimmingSign)(
5025 _COM_Outptr_ IDWriteInlineObject** trimmingSign
5035 STDMETHOD(CreateTextAnalyzer)(
5036 _COM_Outptr_ IDWriteTextAnalyzer** textAnalyzer
5048 STDMETHOD(CreateNumberSubstitution)(
5050 _In_z_ WCHAR
const* localeName,
5051 _In_
BOOL ignoreUserOverride,
5052 _COM_Outptr_ IDWriteNumberSubstitution** numberSubstitution
5073 STDMETHOD(CreateGlyphRunAnalysis)(
5079 FLOAT baselineOriginX,
5080 FLOAT baselineOriginY,
5081 _COM_Outptr_ IDWriteGlyphRunAnalysis** glyphRunAnalysis
5109 _COM_Outptr_ IUnknown **factory
5113 #define FACILITY_DWRITE 0x898 5114 #define DWRITE_ERR_BASE 0x5000 5115 #define MAKE_DWRITE_HR(severity, code) MAKE_HRESULT(severity, FACILITY_DWRITE, (DWRITE_ERR_BASE + code)) 5116 #define MAKE_DWRITE_HR_ERR(code) MAKE_DWRITE_HR(SEVERITY_ERROR, code) UINT32 bidiLevel
Bidi level of text positions enclosed within the geometry.
Definition: dwrite.h:3472
Predefined font weight : Bold (700).
Definition: dwrite.h:222
Shared factory allow for re-use of cached font data across multiple in process components....
Definition: dwrite.h:631
struct nk_font * font
Definition: nk_common.c:40
Algorithmic emboldening is performed.
Definition: dwrite.h:151
interface DWRITE_DECLARE_INTERFACE("7d97dbf7-e085-42d4-81e3-6a883bded118") IDWriteGlyphRunAnalysis interface DWRITE_DECLARE_INTERFACE("b859ee5a-d838-4b5b-a2e8-1adc7d93db48") IDWriteFactory EXTERN_C HRESULT DWRITE_EXPORT DWriteCreateFactory(_In_ DWRITE_FACTORY_TYPE factoryType, _In_ REFIID iid, _COM_Outptr_ IUnknown **factory)
Interface that encapsulates information used to render a glyph run.
UINT32 advanceHeight
Specifies the Y offset from the vertical origin of the current glyph to the vertical origin of the ne...
Definition: dwrite.h:579
interface ID2D1SimplifiedGeometrySink ID2D1SimplifiedGeometrySink
Definition: d2d1.h:74
Predefined font weight : Ultra-light (200).
Definition: dwrite.h:182
int16_t INT16
Definition: coretypes.h:18
Predefined font weight : Semi-bold (600).
Definition: dwrite.h:217
Predefined font weight : Extra-black (950).
Definition: dwrite.h:247
BOOL supportsSideways
Flag indicating whether the object is to be placed upright or alongside the text baseline for vertica...
Definition: dwrite.h:3395
Trademark information provided by the font.
Definition: dwrite.h:364
BOOL isText
Geometry encloses text?
Definition: dwrite.h:3477
Top position of the top-left coordinate of the geometry.
Definition: dwrite.h:3457
UINT16 length
The number of text positions in the cluster.
Definition: dwrite.h:3274
BOOL isTrimmed
The line is trimmed.
Definition: dwrite.h:3257
Unspecified name ID.
Definition: dwrite.h:349
Definition: dwrite.h:1920
Specifies that antialiasing is performed in the horizontal direction and the appearance of glyphs is ...
Definition: dwrite.h:921
Predefined font stretch : Ultra-condensed (1).
Definition: dwrite.h:270
Definition: dwrite.h:1940
URL where additional licensing information can be found.
Definition: dwrite.h:399
UINT32 bidiLevel
The implicit resolved bidi level of the run. Odd levels indicate right-to-left languages like Hebrew ...
Definition: dwrite.h:3068
Definition: dwrite.h:1930
Definition: dwrite.h:1899
The trailing edge of the paragraph text is aligned to the layout box's trailing edge.
Definition: dwrite.h:1759
The DWRITE_UNDERLINE structure contains information about the size and placement of underlines....
Definition: dwrite.h:3111
The break must happen, regardless of the condition of the adjacent text span or inline object.
Definition: dwrite.h:2389
UINT8 isWhitespace
The character is some form of whitespace, which may be meaningful for justification.
Definition: dwrite.h:2411
Specifies that antialiasing is performed in the horizontal direction and the appearance of glyphs is ...
Definition: dwrite.h:930
Text lines are placed from top to bottom.
Definition: dwrite.h:1727
Definition: dwrite.h:1894
Words are kept within the same line even when it overflows the layout box. This option is often used ...
Definition: dwrite.h:1808
UINT16 isWhitespace
Indicate whether the cluster corresponds to whitespace character.
Definition: dwrite.h:3284
Whether a break is allowed is determined by the condition of the neighboring text span or inline obje...
Definition: dwrite.h:2370
If the culture is Arabic or Farsi, specifies that the number shape depend on the context....
Definition: dwrite.h:2439
Definition: glslang_tab.cpp:129
Each pixel comprises three vertical stripes, with red on the left, green in the center,...
Definition: dwrite.h:888
Definition: dwrite.h:1903
Vertical shift (always orthogonal regardless of rotation)
Definition: dwrite.h:997
OpenType font that contains a TrueType collection.
Definition: dwrite.h:57
UINT16 designUnitsPerEm
The number of font design units per em unit. Font files use their own coordinate system of font desig...
Definition: dwrite.h:482
Definition: dwrite.h:1937
Definition: dwrite.h:1926
Text lines are placed from right to left.
Definition: dwrite.h:1742
UINT8 breakConditionBefore
Breaking condition before the character.
Definition: dwrite.h:2400
Predefined font stretch : Normal (5).
Definition: dwrite.h:290
Definition: dwrite.h:1946
_Field_size_(glyphCount) UINT16 const *glyphIndices
The indices to render.
Definition: dwrite.h:1891
Reading progresses from bottom to top.
Definition: dwrite.h:1716
FLOAT width
Width of the inline object.
Definition: dwrite.h:3378
Definition: dwrite.h:1951
Algorithmic italicization is performed.
Definition: dwrite.h:156
Definition: dwrite.h:1941
The center of the paragraph text is aligned to the center of the layout box.
Definition: dwrite.h:1764
Predefined font stretch : Extra-condensed (2).
Definition: dwrite.h:275
Definition: dwrite.h:1922
Properties describing the geometric measurement of an application-defined inline object.
Definition: dwrite.h:3373
OpenType font with TrueType outlines.
Definition: dwrite.h:52
Definition: dwrite.h:1935
Predefined font weight : Normal (400).
Definition: dwrite.h:197
FLOAT bottom
The distance from the bottom-most visible DIP to its bottom alignment edge.
Definition: dwrite.h:3430
#define FALSE
Definition: stb_vorbis.h:232
UINT16 script
Zero-based index representation of writing system script.
Definition: dwrite.h:2352
Bitmap .FON font.
Definition: dwrite.h:77
Predefined font weight : Light (300).
Definition: dwrite.h:187
Text lines are placed from left to right.
Definition: dwrite.h:1737
uint64_t UINT64
Definition: coretypes.h:8
Text granularity of which trimming applies.
Definition: dwrite.h:2024
Definition: dwrite.h:1955
UINT8 breakConditionAfter
Breaking condition after the character.
Definition: dwrite.h:2405
FLOAT offset
Offset of the strikethrough from the baseline. A positive offset represents a position below the base...
Definition: dwrite.h:3190
Definition: dwrite.h:1933
String containing a version number.
Definition: dwrite.h:359
UINT32 delimiterCount
How many occurrences of the delimiter to step back. Leave this zero if there is no delimiter.
Definition: dwrite.h:2036
GLsizeiptr size
Definition: glext.h:6559
GLfloat f
Definition: glext.h:8207
Predefined font stretch : Semi-expanded (6).
Definition: dwrite.h:300
Definition: dwrite.h:1923
The IDWriteInlineObject interface wraps an application defined inline graphic, allowing DWrite to que...
Definition: dwrite.h:4606
UINT16 isNewline
Indicate whether the cluster corresponds to a newline character.
Definition: dwrite.h:3289
Typographic subfamily name preferred by the designer. This name is typically only present if it diffe...
Definition: dwrite.h:421
Specifies that rendering should bypass the rasterizer and use the outlines directly....
Definition: dwrite.h:952
Reading progresses from top to bottom.
Definition: dwrite.h:1711
Definition: dwrite.h:1883
UINT16 isZeroWidthSpace
Glyph has no width, blank, ZWJ, ZWNJ etc.
Definition: dwrite.h:2512
The last line of paragraph is aligned to the flow's ending edge of the layout box.
Definition: dwrite.h:1786
Definition: dwrite.h:1917
Definition: dwrite.h:1889
UINT16 isRightToLeft
Indicate whether the cluster is read from right to left.
Definition: dwrite.h:3299
static SceGxmRenderTarget * renderTarget
Definition: vita2d.c:68
Type 1 PFB font.
Definition: dwrite.h:67
Definition: dwrite.h:1896
UINT16 justification
Justification class, whether to use spacing, kashidas, or another method. This exists for backwards c...
Definition: dwrite.h:2497
UINT16 ascent
Ascent value of the font face in font design units. Ascent is the distance from the top of font chara...
Definition: dwrite.h:488
GLsizei const GLchar *const * string
Definition: glext.h:6699
No trimming occurs. Text flows beyond the layout width.
Definition: dwrite.h:1858
The feature OpenType name identifier.
Definition: dwrite.h:1986
Definition: dwrite.h:1958
The measuring mode can be useful to the renderer to determine how underlines are rendered,...
Definition: dwrite.h:3216
Line spacing and baseline distances are proportional to the computed values based on the content,...
Definition: dwrite.h:1847
Definition: dwrite.h:1916
Predefined font stretch : Extra-expanded (8).
Definition: dwrite.h:310
UINT8 padding
Definition: dwrite.h:2419
UINT32 featureCount
The number of features.
Definition: dwrite.h:2013
UINT16 isDiacritic
Glyph is a diacritic.
Definition: dwrite.h:2507
Align text to the leading side, and also justify text to fill the lines.
Definition: dwrite.h:1769
Reading progresses from left to right.
Definition: dwrite.h:1701
UINT32 lineCount
Total number of lines.
Definition: dwrite.h:3365
Definition: dwrite.h:1928
The IDWriteFontCollection encapsulates a collection of font families.
Definition: dwrite.h:1696
Script/language tag to identify the scripts or languages that the font was primarily designed to supp...
Definition: dwrite.h:453
Font slope style : Normal.
Definition: dwrite.h:327
UINT32 textPosition
First text position within the geometry.
Definition: dwrite.h:3442
GLuint GLuint GLfloat weight
Definition: glext.h:12626
UINT16 capHeight
Cap height value of the font face in font design units. Cap height is the distance from English basel...
Definition: dwrite.h:510
Type 1 PFM font.
Definition: dwrite.h:62
interface DWRITE_DECLARE_INTERFACE("cca920e4-52f0-492b-bfa8-29c72ee0a468") IDWriteFontCollectionLoader interface DWRITE_DECLARE_INTERFACE("72755049-5ff7-435d-8348-4be97cfa6c7c") IDWriteFontFileEnumerator interface DWRITE_DECLARE_INTERFACE("08256209-099a-4b34-b86d-c22b110e7771") IDWriteLocalizedStrings interface IDWriteFontFamily
The font collection loader interface is used to construct a collection of fonts given a particular ty...
Definition: dwrite.h:1367
Additional shaping requirement of text.
Definition: dwrite.h:2357
INT16 underlinePosition
The underline position value of the font face in font design units. Underline position is the positio...
Definition: dwrite.h:523
UINT16 descent
Descent value of the font face in font design units. Descent is the distance from the bottom of font ...
Definition: dwrite.h:494
Definition: dwrite.h:1895
GLboolean GLboolean GLboolean b
Definition: glext.h:6844
FLOAT runHeight
Height of the tallest run where the underline applies.
Definition: dwrite.h:3134
Definition: dwrite.h:1905
Specifies an alpha texture for ClearType text rendering, with three bytes per pixel in the horizontal...
Definition: dwrite.h:4618
There should be no break, unless overruled by a Must condition from the neighboring text span or inli...
Definition: dwrite.h:2383
Definition: dwrite.h:1914
Specifies that code points 0x30-0x39 are always rendered as nominal numeral shapes (ones of the Europ...
Definition: dwrite.h:2445
UINT32 trailingWhitespaceLength
The number of whitespace positions at the end of the line. Newline sequences are considered whitespac...
Definition: dwrite.h:3235
The DWRITE_LINE_METRICS structure contains information about a formatted line of text.
Definition: dwrite.h:3223
OpenType font face with TrueType outlines.
Definition: dwrite.h:98
UINT16 underlineThickness
The suggested underline thickness value of the font face in font design units.
Definition: dwrite.h:528
The DWRITE_TEXT_RANGE structure specifies a range of text positions where format is applied.
Definition: dwrite.h:1965
Definition: dwrite.h:1957
Definition: dwrite.h:1938
The DWRITE_GLYPH_RUN_DESCRIPTION structure contains additional properties related to those in DWRITE_...
Definition: dwrite.h:3075
Definition: dwrite.h:25
A vector .FON format font face.
Definition: dwrite.h:113
Predefined font weight : Extra-light (200).
Definition: dwrite.h:177
FLOAT left
Left-most point of formatted text relative to layout box (excluding any glyph overhang).
Definition: dwrite.h:3315
Typographic feature of text supplied by the font.
Definition: dwrite.h:1877
Sample text. This can be the font name or any other text that the designer thinks is the best example...
Definition: dwrite.h:426
Condition at the edges of inline object or text used to determine line-breaking behavior.
Definition: dwrite.h:2364
Predefined font weight : Thin (100).
Definition: dwrite.h:172
Definition: dwrite.h:1932
FLOAT baseline
Distance from the top of the line to its baseline.
Definition: dwrite.h:3252
Words are broken across lines to avoid text overflowing the layout box. Emergency wrapping occurs if ...
Definition: dwrite.h:1814
#define NULL
Pointer to 0.
Definition: gctypes.h:65
Font slope style : Oblique.
Definition: dwrite.h:332
Definition: dwrite.h:1884
No simulations are performed.
Definition: dwrite.h:146
Definition: dwrite.h:1893
int32_t INT32
Definition: coretypes.h:17
Copyright notice provided by the font.
Definition: dwrite.h:354
Definition: dwrite.h:1904
FLOAT right
The distance from the right-most visible DIP to its right alignment edge.
Definition: dwrite.h:3425
UINT16 isClusterStart
Indicates glyph is the first of a cluster.
Definition: dwrite.h:2502
UINT32 length
Number of text positions within the geometry.
Definition: dwrite.h:3447
Text should leave no visual on display i.e. control or format control characters.
Definition: dwrite.h:2337
FLOAT height
Height of the inline object as measured from top to bottom.
Definition: dwrite.h:3383
Definition: dwrite.h:1911
Geometry enclosing of text positions.
Definition: dwrite.h:3437
UINT32 parameter
Execution parameter of the feature.
Definition: dwrite.h:1995
Definition: dwrite.h:1950
Lines are explicitly set to uniform spacing, regardless of contained font sizes. This can be useful t...
Definition: dwrite.h:1842
Specifies that number are rendered using the traditional shape for the specified culture....
Definition: dwrite.h:2460
Line breakpoint characteristics of a character.
Definition: dwrite.h:2395
URL of font vendor (with protocol, e.g., http://, ftp://). If a unique serial number is embedded in t...
Definition: dwrite.h:389
FLOAT width
Width of the strikethrough, measured parallel to the baseline.
Definition: dwrite.h:3177
Overall metrics associated with text after layout. All coordinates are in device independent pixels (...
Definition: dwrite.h:3309
Definition: dwrite.h:1927
Definition: dwrite.h:29
_Field_size_opt_(stringLength) UINT16 const *clusterMap
An array of indices to the glyph indices array, of the first glyphs of all the glyph clusters of the ...
Vertical shear / sine of rotation
Definition: dwrite.h:977
UINT32 startPosition
The start text position of the range.
Definition: dwrite.h:1970
Predefined font stretch : Ultra-expanded (9).
Definition: dwrite.h:315
Word wrapping in multiline paragraph.
Definition: dwrite.h:1797
Predefined font weight : Ultra-black (950).
Definition: dwrite.h:252
Definition: dwrite.h:1892
Wrap between any valid characters clusters.
Definition: dwrite.h:1825
Reading direction of the text associated with the strikethrough. This value is used to interpret whet...
Definition: dwrite.h:3197
Definition: dwrite.h:1939
The leading edge of the paragraph text is aligned to the layout box's leading edge.
Definition: dwrite.h:1754
The DWRITE_STRIKETHROUGH structure contains information about the size and placement of strikethrough...
Definition: dwrite.h:3172
UINT32 glyphCount
The number of glyphs.
Definition: dwrite.h:3036
Definition: dwrite.h:1881
#define DWRITE_MAKE_OPENTYPE_TAG(a, b, c, d)
Creates an OpenType tag as a 32bit integer such that the first character in the tag is the lowest byt...
Definition: dwrite.h:649
FLOAT height
Height of the line as measured from top to bottom.
Definition: dwrite.h:3247
ID2D1SimplifiedGeometrySink IDWriteGeometrySink
Definition: dwrite.h:1037
No additional shaping requirement. Text is shaped with the writing system default behavior.
Definition: dwrite.h:2332
Script/language tag to identify the scripts or languages that the font declares it is able to support...
Definition: dwrite.h:459
Alignment of paragraph text along the reading direction axis relative to the leading and trailing edg...
Definition: dwrite.h:1749
The interface implemented by the text analyzer's client to provide text to the analyzer....
Definition: dwrite.h:3021
The method used for line spacing in layout.
Definition: dwrite.h:1831
FLOAT layoutWidth
Initial width given to the layout. Depending on whether the text was wrapped or not,...
Definition: dwrite.h:3346
UINT16 strikethroughThickness
The suggested strikethrough thickness value of the font face in font design units.
Definition: dwrite.h:540
Definition: dwrite.h:1912
Predefined font weight : Medium (500).
Definition: dwrite.h:207
Unbekannter Compiler Gerät von Anschluss getrennt Datei existiert bereits Speichere im Backup Puffer Verbindung mit Öffentliche Addresse Lege Datenträger in Laufwerksschublade ein Du hast das Spiel verlassen Dieser Core unterstützt kein Netplay zwischen diesen Systemen Gib das Server Passwort Falsches Passwort Die Verbindung mit einem Netplay Client wurde getrennt Du hast nicht die an diesem Spiel teilzunehmen Konnte nicht zum Spieler Modus wechseln Dein Nickname wurde zu s geändert Enable horizontal animation for the menu This will have a performance hit Harte Synchronisation der CPU und der GPU Reduziert braucht aber mehr Leistung Audio Lautstärke Lade Fähigkeiten Verbinde zu Port nicht die keinen Inhalt können nicht an Netplay teilnehmen Errungenschaften Konten Benutzerkonten Retro Errungenschaften Inhalt durchsuchen Inhalt importieren Nachfragen Warte auf Audio Frames Audiotreiber Aktiviere Audio Turbo Deadzone Maximaler Audioversatz Dynamische Audio Ratenkontrolle Audio Exklusiver WASAPI Modus Größe des gemeinsamen WASAPI Puffers Override Dateien automatisch laden Shader Voreinstellungen automatisch laden Bestätigen Beenden Nach oben scrollen Tastatur ein ausschalten Grundlegende Menüsteuerung Info Nach oben scrollen Tastatur ein ausschalten Überschreibe SaveRAM wenn ein Bluetooth aktivieren Temporäre Dateien Kameratreiber Änderungen übernehmen Cheat Datei Speichere Cheat Datei unter Beschreibung Gesperrte Gesperrt Teste inoffizielle Errungenschaften Freigeschaltete Freigeschaltet Konfiguration Konfigurationen Sammlungen Inhalt Einträge zu entfernen Downloads Cheats Core Namen anzeigen Autoren Core Bezeichnung Firmware Berechtigungen System Hersteller Steuerung Optionen Cores automatisch starten Buildbot Core URL Aktualisierungen CPU Suchanfragen Benutzerdefiniertes Verhältnis Datenbank Auswahl Startverzeichnis< Standard > Verzeichnis nicht gefunden Datentägerstatus Datenträger Nummer Ignorieren Core herunterladen Aktiviert DPI Überschreibung Treiber Vor dem Laden nach fehlender Firmware suchen Dynamische Hintergrundbilder Farbe für gewählte Menü Einträge Aus Favoriten Begrenze maximale Ausführgeschwindigkeit Frontend Zähler Erstellt Datei mit Spieloptionen Hilfe Ändert virtuelles Controller Overlay Hilfe Nach Inhalten suchen Verlaufliste aktivieren Horizontales Menü Informationen Analog zu Digital Typ Linker Analogstick X Linker Analogstick Linker Analogstick Y Linker Analogstick Rechter Analogstick X Rechter Analogstick Rechter Analogstick Y Rechter Analogstick Gun Trigger Gun Aux A Gun Aux C Gun Select Gun D pad Down Gun D pad Right Schwellenwert der Analogsticks Alle zuordnen Zeitlimit für Belegung Zeige Eingabe Bezeichnungen Gerätetyp Eingabetreiber Tastenkürzel belegen A B Steuerkreuz nach unten L3 L Steuerkreuz nach links R3 R Steuerkreuz nach rechts Start Knopf X Y Mouse Mouse Mouse Wheel Down Wheel Right Maximale Benutzeranzahl Cheat Index Cheat ein ausschalten Nächster Datenträger Hotkeys aktivieren Zeitraffer ein ausschalten Vollbildmodus ein ausschalten Spielfokus ein ausschalten Menü aufrufen Audio stumm lautschalten Bildschirmtastatur ein ausschalten Pause weiter Spiel zurücksetzen Erstelle Bildschirmfoto Vorheriger Shader Zustands Speicherplatz Lautstärke Aktiviere Overlay Eingaben im Overlay anzeigen Abfrageverhalten Spät Touch Eingabe auf der Vorderseite bevorzugen Tasten Neubelegung aktivieren Eingabe Touch Eingabe aktivieren Autofeuer Frequenz Status des internen Speichers Controller Treiber Niederländisch Esperanto Deutsch Japanisch Polnisch Russisch Vietnamesisch Linker Analogstick Core Informationen Linear Inhalt aus Verlauf laden Spielstand laden Standort Treiber Logs auf Kommandozeile ausgeben Datenbanken Blau Dunkelblau Shield Gelb Transparenz der Kopfzeile Bildwiederholrate im Menü begrenzen Linearer Filter für Menü Menü Hintergrundbild Transparenz Multimedia Unbekannte Dateierweiterungen filtern Nächster Erlaube Slave Modus für Clients Eingabeverzögerung Netplay Verzögerung Aktiviere Netplay Starte Hosting Server Adresse Netplay Client aktivieren Server Passwort Verbiete die nicht im Slave Modus laufen Im Beobachtermodus starten Server Passwort für Beobachtermodus Netplay TCP UDP Port Netzwerk Befehle Netzwerk Informationen Netzwerk Remote Port Nein Nicht verfügbar Kein Core Keine Core Informationen verfügbar Keine Einträge Keine Informationen verfügbar Keine Netplay Hosts gefunden Keine Leistungszähler Keine Wiedergabelisten Einträge verfügbar Keine Shader Parameter EIN Online Aktualisierungen Bildschirm Overlay Öffne Archiv als Ordner Overlay Overlays Overlay Voreinstellung Overlays Übergeordnetes Verzeichnis Nicht im Hintergrund ausführen Wiedergabelisten Wiedergabelisten Port Privatsphäre Analog unterstützt CERO Bewertung CRC32 Entwickler Edge Magazine Bewertung ELSPA Bewertung ESRB Bewertung Franchise MD5 Herkunft Publisher Veröffentlichungsjahr Seriennummer Starte Inhalt Neustart Aufnahmen Lade Aufnahme Konfiguration Aktiviere Aufnahmefunktion Speichere Aufnahme im Ausgabeverzeichnis Remap Datei laden Speichere Spiel Remap Datei Lösche Spiel Remap Datei Neu starten Fortsetzen RetroKeyboard RetroPad mit Analogsticks Genauigkeit des Zurückspulen Konfigurationen Rechter Analogstick Zu Favoriten hinzufügen Abspielen Speicherdaten Zustand automatisch laden Zustands Miniaturansichten Speichere Core Überschreibungen Speichere neue Konfiguration Speichern Datei durchsuchen Bildschirmfotos Sekunden Einstellungen Änderungen übernehmen Band Schnee Zeige versteckte Dateien und Ordner Zeitlupen Verhältnis Sortiere Zustandsdaten in Ordnern Speicherdaten im Verzeichnis des Inhalts speichern Bildschirmfotos im Verzeichnis des Inhalts speichern Core starten Starte Videoprozessor Status Vorgeschlagene Cores Aktiviere System BGM System Informationen ALSA Unterstützung Cg Unterstützung Befehlsinterface Unterstützung CPU Eigenschaften DirectSound Unterstützung Unterstützung für dynamische Bibliotheken EGL Unterstützung FFmpeg Unterstützung STB TrueType Unterstützung Frontend Name Git Version HLSL Unterstützung KMS EGL Unterstützung LibretroDB Unterstützung Libxml2 XML Parsing Unterstützung Netzwerk Befehlsinterface Unterstützung OpenAL Unterstützung OpenGL Unterstützung OpenVG Unterstützung Overlay Unterstützung Geladen Entlädt PulseAudio Unterstützung BMP RetroRating Stufe RoarAudio Unterstützung RSound Unterstützung SDL2 Unterstützung SDL1 Unterstützung Threading Unterstützung Video4Linux2 Unterstützung Vulkan Unterstützung X11 Unterstützung XVideo Unterstützung Bildschirmfoto anfertigen Miniaturansichten Miniaturansichten aktualisieren Bildschirmfoto Uhrzeit Datum anzeigen An UI Companion beim Hochfahren starten Komprimiertes Archiv kann nicht gelesen werden Speichern des Zustands rückgängig machen Online Aktualisierungen Gamepad Controller Profile aktualisieren Cheats aktualisieren Datenbanken aktualisieren Lakka aktualisieren Slang Shader aktualisieren Kbd Sprache Verwende eingebauten Bildbetrachter< Dieses Verzeichnis verwenden > Konfiguriere Bildseitenverhältnis Bildseitenverhältnis Deaktiviere Desktop Gestaltung Videotreiber Grafikfilter Bildschirm Benachrichtigungen aktivieren Schritftgröße der Bildschirm Benachrichtigungen Erzwinge Deaktivierung des sRGB FBO Vollbildmodus Verwende GPU für Aufnahme Synchronisiere GPU und CPU Maximale Anzahl von Zwischenbildern Y Position der Bildschirm Benachrichtigungen Wende Filter auf Aufnahme an Geschätzte Bildwiederholrate Rotation Pixelgenaue Bildskalierung Video Shader Vorschau der Shader Parameter Shader Voreinstellung speichern unter Spiel Voreinstellung speichern Bilineare Filterung VSync Intervall Video in separatem Thread Bildhöhe X Position des Bildes VI Bildgröße Unechter Fensterbreite Vollbild Breite WLAN Treiber Menü Transparenz Menu Font Green Color Menü Schriftart FlatUI Monochrome Inverted NeoActive RetroActive Dot Art Apple Green Dark Purple Golden Midnight Blue Undersea Menü Shader Icon Schatten aktivieren Zeige Tab Inhalte importieren Zeige Tab Bilder Zeige Tab Einstellungen Zeige Tab Netplay Menü Design Shader Voreinstellungen Aktiviere inoffizielle Errungenschaften und oder Beta Funktionen zu Testzwecken Aktiviere ausführliche Ausgabe von Bildschirmmeldungen für Errungenschaften Ändere die Einstellungen für Errungenschaften Ändere die Einstellungen für die Aufnahme Funktion Ändere die Einstellungen für Zeitraffer und Zeitlupe Ändere die Log Einstellungen Sprache Ändere die Standard Verzeichnisse für dieses System Ändere die Einstellungen für das Netzwerk Ändere die Einstellungen der Audio Ausgabe Speichere Änderungen an der Konfigurationsdatei beim Beenden Verwalte und erstelle Konfigurationsdateien Zeigt die aktuelle Bildwiederholrate auf dem Bildschirm an Controller mit der das Menü aufgerufen wird Steuerung für diesen Benutzer konfigurieren Hoste eine Netplay Sitzung oder trete einer bei Zeige Informationen über Netzwerk und das System an Aktiviere die Netzwerkfreigabe deiner Ordner Zeige versteckte Dateien und Ordner im Dateimanager an Hält dein System davon ab
Definition: msg_hash_de.h:1946
The postscript CID findfont name, from name id 20 in the name table.
Definition: dwrite.h:441
FLOAT thickness
Thickness of the strikethrough, measured perpendicular to the baseline.
Definition: dwrite.h:3183
Definition: dwrite.h:1931
OpenType font with CFF outlines.
Definition: dwrite.h:47
The DWRITE_GLYPH_METRICS structure specifies the metrics of an individual glyph. The units depend on ...
Definition: dwrite.h:547
_Field_size_(stringLength) WCHAR const *string
The text associated with the glyphs.
FLOAT height
Geometry's height.
Definition: dwrite.h:3467
Definition: dwrite.h:1919
The file format of a complete font face. Font formats that consist of multiple files,...
Definition: dwrite.h:88
UINT32 textPosition
Corresponding text position in the original string this glyph run came from.
Definition: dwrite.h:3103
UINT16 reserved
Reserved for use by shaping engine.
Definition: dwrite.h:2484
Definition: dwrite.h:1879
UINT16 reserved
Reserved for use by shaping engine.
Definition: dwrite.h:2517
FLOAT baseline
Distance from the top of the object to the baseline where it is lined up with the adjacent text....
Definition: dwrite.h:3389
Only wrap whole words, never breaking words (emergency wrapping) when the layout width is too small f...
Definition: dwrite.h:1820
interface IDWriteTextLayout IDWriteTextLayout
Definition: d2d1.h:51
Similar to natural mode except that antialiasing is performed in both the horizontal and vertical dir...
Definition: dwrite.h:946
The DWRITE_OVERHANG_METRICS structure holds how much any visible pixels (in DIPs) overshoot each side...
Definition: dwrite.h:3410
Predefined font weight : Semi-light (350).
Definition: dwrite.h:192
UINT16 canWrapLineAfter
Indicate whether line can be broken right after the cluster.
Definition: dwrite.h:3279
GDI-compatible family name. Because GDI allows a maximum of four fonts per family,...
Definition: dwrite.h:405
FLOAT advanceOffset
Offset in the advance direction of the run. A positive advance offset moves the glyph to the right (i...
Definition: dwrite.h:606
Specifies algorithmic style simulations to be applied to the font face. Bold and oblique simulations ...
Definition: dwrite.h:141
UINT16 isSoftHyphen
Indicate whether the cluster corresponds to soft hyphen character.
Definition: dwrite.h:3294
Definition: dwrite.h:1906
The DWRITE_CLUSTER_METRICS structure contains information about a glyph cluster.
Definition: dwrite.h:3264
Predefined font stretch : Condensed (3).
Definition: dwrite.h:280
Predefined font weight : Heavy (900).
Definition: dwrite.h:242
Definition: dwrite.h:1897
UINT16 xHeight
x-height value of the font face in font design units. x-height is the distance from English baseline ...
Definition: dwrite.h:516
Definition: dwrite.h:1887
UINT32 maxBidiReorderingDepth
The maximum reordering count of any line of text, used to calculate the most number of hit-testing bo...
Definition: dwrite.h:3360
FLOAT layoutHeight
Initial height given to the layout. Depending on the length of the text, it may be larger or smaller ...
Definition: dwrite.h:3352
FLOAT left
The distance from the left-most visible DIP to its left alignment edge.
Definition: dwrite.h:3415
BOOL isSideways
If true, specifies that glyphs are rotated 90 degrees to the left and vertical metrics are used....
Definition: dwrite.h:3059
_Field_z_ WCHAR const * localeName
The locale name associated with this run.
Definition: dwrite.h:3080
Definition: dwrite.h:1885
Predefined font weight : Demi-bold (600).
Definition: dwrite.h:212
interface IDWriteFontFace IDWriteFontFace
Definition: d2d1_3.h:31
Typographic family name preferred by the designer. This enables font designers to group more than fou...
Definition: dwrite.h:416
Family name for the weight-stretch-style model.
Definition: dwrite.h:446
Predefined font stretch : Expanded (7).
Definition: dwrite.h:305
Defines a set of typographic features to be applied during shaping. Notice the character range which ...
Definition: dwrite.h:2003
Represents a method of rendering glyphs.
Definition: dwrite.h:902
UINT32 newlineLength
The number of characters in the newline sequence at the end of the line. If the count is zero,...
Definition: dwrite.h:3242
Top-most point of formatted text relative to layout box (excluding any glyph overhang).
Definition: dwrite.h:3321
Definition: dwrite.h:1908
FLOAT widthIncludingTrailingWhitespace
The width of the formatted text taking into account the trailing whitespace at the end of each line.
Definition: dwrite.h:3333
The DWRITE_MATRIX structure specifies the graphics transform to be applied to rendered glyphs.
Definition: dwrite.h:967
Direction for how lines of text are placed relative to one another.
Definition: dwrite.h:1722
Definition: dwrite.h:1888
GLuint index
Definition: glext.h:6671
Specifies that no antialiasing is performed. Each pixel is either set to the foreground color of the ...
Definition: dwrite.h:913
Definition: dwrite.h:1954
Definition: dwrite.h:1944
Objects created from the isolated factory do not interact with internal DirectWrite state from other ...
Definition: dwrite.h:636
The type of a font represented by a single font file. Font formats that consist of multiple files,...
Definition: dwrite.h:37
The DWRITE_FONT_METRICS structure specifies the metrics of a font face that are applicable to all gly...
Definition: dwrite.h:472
Trimming occurs at word boundary.
Definition: dwrite.h:1868
Definition: dwrite.h:1943
Horizontal scaling / cosine of rotation
Definition: dwrite.h:972
The informational string enumeration identifies a string in a font.
Definition: dwrite.h:344
UINT32 length
The number of total text positions in the line. This includes any trailing whitespace and newline cha...
Definition: dwrite.h:3229
UINT8 isSoftHyphen
The character is a soft hyphen, often used to indicate hyphenation points inside words.
Definition: dwrite.h:2417
Definition: dwrite.h:1909
Definition: dwrite.h:1915
unsigned int BOOL
Definition: gctypes.h:51
Font file loader interface handles loading font file resources of a particular type from a key....
Definition: dwrite.h:877
Reading progresses from right to left.
Definition: dwrite.h:1706
Vertical scaling / cosine of rotation
Definition: dwrite.h:987
The font weight enumeration describes common values for degree of blackness or thickness of strokes o...
Definition: dwrite.h:167
uint32_t UINT32
Definition: coretypes.h:10
Definition: dwrite.h:1959
Alignment of paragraph text along the flow direction axis relative to the flow's beginning and ending...
Definition: dwrite.h:1776
GLenum const GLvoid GLbitfield fontStyle
Definition: glext.h:12622
Each pixel comprises three vertical stripes, with blue on the left, green in the center,...
Definition: dwrite.h:894
Definition: dwrite.h:1934
Font slope style : Italic.
Definition: dwrite.h:337
The distance from the top-most visible DIP to its top alignment edge.
Definition: dwrite.h:3420
Shaping output properties per output glyph.
Definition: dwrite.h:2490
GLuint GLuint * names
Definition: glext.h:12452
Font type is not recognized by the DirectWrite font system.
Definition: dwrite.h:42
Predefined font weight : Black (900).
Definition: dwrite.h:237
Horizontal shear / negative sine of rotation
Definition: dwrite.h:982
Definition: dwrite.h:1948
Horizontal shift (always orthogonal regardless of rotation)
Definition: dwrite.h:992
Association of text and its writing system script as well as some display attributes.
Definition: dwrite.h:2347
UINT32 advanceWidth
Specifies the X offset from the origin of the current glyph to the origin of the next glyph when writ...
Definition: dwrite.h:559
FLOAT width
Width of the underline, measured parallel to the baseline.
Definition: dwrite.h:3116
GLint GLint GLsizei width
Definition: glext.h:6293
Definition: dwrite.h:1886
Definition: dwrite.h:1929
INT16 strikethroughPosition
The strikethrough position value of the font face in font design units. Strikethrough position is the...
Definition: dwrite.h:535
The DWRITE_FONT_FEATURE structure specifies properties used to identify and execute typographic featu...
Definition: dwrite.h:1981
A Type 1 font face.
Definition: dwrite.h:108
Definition: dwrite.h:1898
FLOAT thickness
Thickness of the underline, measured perpendicular to the baseline.
Definition: dwrite.h:3122
The format of text used for text layout.
Definition: dwrite.h:2327
Specifies an alpha texture for aliased text rendering (i.e., bi-level, where each pixel is either ful...
Definition: dwrite.h:4612
_Field_z_ WCHAR const * localeName
Locale of the text the underline is being drawn under. Can be pertinent where the locale affects how ...
Definition: dwrite.h:3157
BOOL isTrimmed
Range is trimmed.
Definition: dwrite.h:3482
INT32 topSideBearing
Specifies the vertical offset from the vertical origin to the top of the black box....
Definition: dwrite.h:571
_Field_z_ WCHAR const * localeName
Locale of the range. Can be pertinent where the locale affects the style.
Definition: dwrite.h:3209
INT32 leftSideBearing
Specifies the X offset from the glyph origin to the left edge of the black box. The glyph origin is t...
Definition: dwrite.h:554
Definition: dwrite.h:1901
FLOAT offset
Offset of the underline from the baseline. A positive offset represents a position below the baseline...
Definition: dwrite.h:3129
Definition: dwrite.h:1913
Definition: dwrite.h:1902
Predefined font weight : Ultra-bold (800).
Definition: dwrite.h:232
Optional adjustment to a glyph's position. A glyph offset changes the position of a glyph without aff...
Definition: dwrite.h:600
def cd(new_dir)
Definition: build.py:40
Predefined font stretch : Semi-condensed (4).
Definition: dwrite.h:285
Definition: dwrite.h:1910
FLOAT fontEmSize
Logical size of the font in DIPs, not points (equals 1/96 inch).
Definition: dwrite.h:3031
uint16_t UINT16
Definition: coretypes.h:11
A break is allowed, unless overruled by the condition of the neighboring text span or inline object,...
Definition: dwrite.h:2377
Definition: dwrite.h:1956
interface IDWriteRenderingParams IDWriteRenderingParams
Definition: d2d1.h:52
Trimming occurs at character cluster boundary.
Definition: dwrite.h:1863
Flow direction of the text associated with the strikethrough. This value is used to interpret whether...
Definition: dwrite.h:3204
Definition: dwrite.h:1882
Name of the font designer.
Definition: dwrite.h:374
GLuint GLenum GLenum transform
Definition: glext.h:10314
FLOAT width
Geometry's width.
Definition: dwrite.h:3462
Name of the font manufacturer.
Definition: dwrite.h:369
OpenType font face that is a part of a TrueType or CFF collection.
Definition: dwrite.h:103
Definition: dwrite.h:1949
Definition: dwrite.h:1890
_Field_size_opt_(glyphCount) FLOAT const *glyphAdvances
Glyph advance widths.
Definition: dwrite.h:1925
The postscript name of the font, e.g. "GillSans-Bold" from name id 6 in the name table.
Definition: dwrite.h:436
The full name of the font, e.g. "Arial Bold", from name id 4 in the name table.
Definition: dwrite.h:431
INT32 bottomSideBearing
Specifies the vertical distance from the black box's bottom edge to the advance height....
Definition: dwrite.h:586
The red, green, and blue color components of each pixel are assumed to occupy the same point.
Definition: dwrite.h:882
interface IDWriteFactory IDWriteFactory
Definition: d2d1_1.h:35
UINT16 padding
Definition: dwrite.h:3301
Definition: dwrite.h:1936
Definition: dwrite.h:1921
Specifies that number are rendered using the national number shape as specified by the LOCALE_SNATIVE...
Definition: dwrite.h:2451
Vector .FON font.
Definition: dwrite.h:72
Holds the appropriate digits and numeric punctuation for a given locale.
Definition: dwrite.h:2473
Line spacing depends solely on the content, growing to accommodate the size of fonts and inline objec...
Definition: dwrite.h:1836
FLOAT width
The width of the formatted text ignoring trailing whitespace at the end of each line.
Definition: dwrite.h:3327
Specifies the type of DirectWrite factory object. DirectWrite factory contains internal state such as...
Definition: dwrite.h:625
The font data includes only the CFF table from an OpenType CFF font. This font face type can be used ...
Definition: dwrite.h:131
Words are broken across lines to avoid text overflowing the layout box.
Definition: dwrite.h:1802
Predefined font weight : Regular (400).
Definition: dwrite.h:202
A bitmap .FON format font face.
Definition: dwrite.h:118
interface IDWriteTextFormat IDWriteTextFormat
Definition: d2d1.h:50
Definition: dwrite.h:1907
OpenType font face with CFF outlines.
Definition: dwrite.h:93
The DWRITE_TRIMMING structure specifies the trimming option for text overflowing the layout box.
Definition: dwrite.h:2019
Reading direction of the text associated with the underline. This value is used to interpret whether ...
Definition: dwrite.h:3141
Description of the font. Can contain revision information, usage recommendations, history,...
Definition: dwrite.h:384
Definition: dwrite.h:1880
Definition: dwrite.h:1947
Predefined font weight : Extra-bold (800).
Definition: dwrite.h:227
Description of how the font may be legally used, or different example scenarios for licensed use....
Definition: dwrite.h:394
GDI-compatible subfamily name.
Definition: dwrite.h:410
FLOAT width
The total advance width of all glyphs in the cluster.
Definition: dwrite.h:3269
Definition: dwrite.h:1900
Text lines are placed from bottom to top.
Definition: dwrite.h:1732
Specifies that the substitution method should be determined based on LOCALE_IDIGITSUBSTITUTION value ...
Definition: dwrite.h:2431
UINT32 delimiter
Character code used as the delimiter signaling the beginning of the portion of text to be preserved,...
Definition: dwrite.h:2031
Definition: dwrite.h:1918
_Notnull_ IDWriteFontFace * fontFace
The physical font face to draw with.
Definition: dwrite.h:3026
Definition: dwrite.h:1952
Predefined font stretch : Medium (5).
Definition: dwrite.h:295
The font style enumeration describes the slope style of a font face, such as Normal,...
Definition: dwrite.h:322
INT32 rightSideBearing
Specifies the X offset from the right edge of the black box to the origin of the next glyph when writ...
Definition: dwrite.h:565
Font face type is not recognized by the DirectWrite font system.
Definition: dwrite.h:123
Flow direction of the text associated with the underline. This value is used to interpret whether the...
Definition: dwrite.h:3148
_Field_size_(featureCount) DWRITE_FONT_FEATURE *features
Array of font features.
FLOAT height
The height of the formatted text. The height of an empty string is determined by the size of the defa...
Definition: dwrite.h:3339
INT16 lineGap
Line gap in font design units. Recommended additional white space to add between lines to improve leg...
Definition: dwrite.h:503
GLenum GLuint GLenum GLsizei length
Definition: glext.h:6233
FLOAT ascenderOffset
Offset in the ascent direction, i.e., the direction ascenders point. A positive ascender offset moves...
Definition: dwrite.h:612
Specifies that antialiasing is performed in the horizontal direction. This rendering mode allows glyp...
Definition: dwrite.h:938
UINT32 stringLength
The number of characters (UTF16 code-units). Note that this may be different than the number of glyph...
Definition: dwrite.h:3091
UINT32 length
The number of text positions in the range.
Definition: dwrite.h:1975
Definition: dwrite.h:1945
Definition: dwrite.h:1924
Text granularity used to trim text overflowing the layout box.
Definition: dwrite.h:1853
The measuring mode can be useful to the renderer to determine how underlines are rendered,...
Definition: dwrite.h:3164
INT32 verticalOriginY
Specifies the Y coordinate of a glyph's vertical origin, in the font's design coordinate system....
Definition: dwrite.h:593
Definition: dwrite.h:1953
GLboolean GLboolean GLboolean GLboolean a
Definition: glext.h:6844
Definition: dwrite.h:1942
The center of the paragraph is aligned to the center of the flow of the layout box.
Definition: dwrite.h:1791
Specifies that the rendering mode is determined automatically based on the font and size.
Definition: dwrite.h:907
How to apply number substitution on digits and related punctuation.
Definition: dwrite.h:2425
FLOAT left
Left position of the top-left coordinate of the geometry.
Definition: dwrite.h:3452
GLint GLint GLsizei GLsizei height
Definition: glext.h:6293
The first line of paragraph is aligned to the flow's beginning edge of the layout box.
Definition: dwrite.h:1781
Predefined font stretch : Not known (0).
Definition: dwrite.h:265
URL of font designer (with protocol, e.g., http://, ftp://).
Definition: dwrite.h:379
UINT16 isShapedAlone
This character can be shaped independently from the others (usually set for the space character).
Definition: dwrite.h:2479
The measuring method used for text layout.
Definition: dcommon.h:35
GLsizei GLenum const GLvoid GLuint GLsizei GLfloat * metrics
Definition: glext.h:12652
The font stretch enumeration describes relative change from the normal aspect ratio as specified by a...
Definition: dwrite.h:260
static const char * features[]
Definition: version_features.c:34
uint8_t UINT8
Definition: coretypes.h:12