15 #ifndef _D2D1_HELPER_H_ 16 #define _D2D1_HELPER_H_ 20 #endif // #ifndef _D2D1_H_ 22 #ifndef D2D_USE_C_DEFINITIONS 38 template<
typename Type>
62 return 3.402823466e+38
69 template<
typename Type>
72 typename TypeTraits<Type>::Point
78 typename TypeTraits<Type>::Point point = {
y };
91 return Point2<FLOAT>(
102 return Point2<UINT32>(
105 template<
typename Type>
141 template<
typename Type>
144 typename TypeTraits<Type>::Rect
188 D2D1_RECT_F rect = { -FloatMax(), -FloatMax(), FloatMax(), FloatMax() };
199 _In_
FLOAT rotationAngle,
220 return bezierSegment;
234 ellipse.
point = center;
252 roundedRect.
rect = rect;
263 _In_
FLOAT opacity = 1.0,
269 brushProperties.
opacity = opacity;
272 return brushProperties;
291 QuadraticBezierSegment(
298 return quadraticBezier;
304 StrokeStyleProperties(
316 strokeStyleProperties.
startCap = startCap;
317 strokeStyleProperties.
endCap = endCap;
318 strokeStyleProperties.
dashCap = dashCap;
319 strokeStyleProperties.
lineJoin = lineJoin;
320 strokeStyleProperties.
miterLimit = miterLimit;
321 strokeStyleProperties.
dashStyle = dashStyle;
322 strokeStyleProperties.
dashOffset = dashOffset;
324 return strokeStyleProperties;
330 BitmapBrushProperties(
342 return bitmapBrushProperties;
348 LinearGradientBrushProperties(
355 linearGradientBrushProperties.
startPoint = startPoint;
356 linearGradientBrushProperties.
endPoint = endPoint;
358 return linearGradientBrushProperties;
364 RadialGradientBrushProperties(
373 radialGradientBrushProperties.
center = center;
375 radialGradientBrushProperties.
radiusX = radiusX;
376 radialGradientBrushProperties.
radiusY = radiusY;
378 return radialGradientBrushProperties;
394 pixelFormat.
format = dxgiFormat;
415 bitmapProperties.
dpiX = dpiX;
416 bitmapProperties.
dpiY = dpiY;
418 return bitmapProperties;
427 RenderTargetProperties(
440 renderTargetProperties.
dpiX = dpiX;
441 renderTargetProperties.
dpiY = dpiY;
443 renderTargetProperties.
minLevel = minLevel;
445 return renderTargetProperties;
451 HwndRenderTargetProperties(
459 hwndRenderTargetProperties.
hwnd = hwnd;
460 hwndRenderTargetProperties.
pixelSize = pixelSize;
463 return hwndRenderTargetProperties;
482 layerParameters.geometricMask = geometricMask;
485 layerParameters.
opacity = opacity;
486 layerParameters.opacityBrush = opacityBrush;
489 return layerParameters;
495 DrawingStateDescription(
507 drawingStateDescription.
tag1 = tag1;
508 drawingStateDescription.
tag2 = tag2;
511 return drawingStateDescription;
523 AliceBlue = 0xF0F8FF,
524 AntiqueWhite = 0xFAEBD7,
526 Aquamarine = 0x7FFFD4,
531 BlanchedAlmond = 0xFFEBCD,
533 BlueViolet = 0x8A2BE2,
535 BurlyWood = 0xDEB887,
536 CadetBlue = 0x5F9EA0,
537 Chartreuse = 0x7FFF00,
538 Chocolate = 0xD2691E,
540 CornflowerBlue = 0x6495ED,
546 DarkGoldenrod = 0xB8860B,
548 DarkGreen = 0x006400,
549 DarkKhaki = 0xBDB76B,
550 DarkMagenta = 0x8B008B,
551 DarkOliveGreen = 0x556B2F,
552 DarkOrange = 0xFF8C00,
553 DarkOrchid = 0x9932CC,
555 DarkSalmon = 0xE9967A,
556 DarkSeaGreen = 0x8FBC8F,
557 DarkSlateBlue = 0x483D8B,
558 DarkSlateGray = 0x2F4F4F,
559 DarkTurquoise = 0x00CED1,
560 DarkViolet = 0x9400D3,
562 DeepSkyBlue = 0x00BFFF,
564 DodgerBlue = 0x1E90FF,
565 Firebrick = 0xB22222,
566 FloralWhite = 0xFFFAF0,
567 ForestGreen = 0x228B22,
569 Gainsboro = 0xDCDCDC,
570 GhostWhite = 0xF8F8FF,
572 Goldenrod = 0xDAA520,
575 GreenYellow = 0xADFF2F,
578 IndianRed = 0xCD5C5C,
583 LavenderBlush = 0xFFF0F5,
584 LawnGreen = 0x7CFC00,
585 LemonChiffon = 0xFFFACD,
586 LightBlue = 0xADD8E6,
587 LightCoral = 0xF08080,
588 LightCyan = 0xE0FFFF,
589 LightGoldenrodYellow = 0xFAFAD2,
590 LightGreen = 0x90EE90,
591 LightGray = 0xD3D3D3,
592 LightPink = 0xFFB6C1,
593 LightSalmon = 0xFFA07A,
594 LightSeaGreen = 0x20B2AA,
595 LightSkyBlue = 0x87CEFA,
596 LightSlateGray = 0x778899,
597 LightSteelBlue = 0xB0C4DE,
598 LightYellow = 0xFFFFE0,
600 LimeGreen = 0x32CD32,
604 MediumAquamarine = 0x66CDAA,
605 MediumBlue = 0x0000CD,
606 MediumOrchid = 0xBA55D3,
607 MediumPurple = 0x9370DB,
608 MediumSeaGreen = 0x3CB371,
609 MediumSlateBlue = 0x7B68EE,
610 MediumSpringGreen = 0x00FA9A,
611 MediumTurquoise = 0x48D1CC,
612 MediumVioletRed = 0xC71585,
613 MidnightBlue = 0x191970,
614 MintCream = 0xF5FFFA,
615 MistyRose = 0xFFE4E1,
617 NavajoWhite = 0xFFDEAD,
621 OliveDrab = 0x6B8E23,
623 OrangeRed = 0xFF4500,
625 PaleGoldenrod = 0xEEE8AA,
626 PaleGreen = 0x98FB98,
627 PaleTurquoise = 0xAFEEEE,
628 PaleVioletRed = 0xDB7093,
629 PapayaWhip = 0xFFEFD5,
630 PeachPuff = 0xFFDAB9,
634 PowderBlue = 0xB0E0E6,
637 RosyBrown = 0xBC8F8F,
638 RoyalBlue = 0x4169E1,
639 SaddleBrown = 0x8B4513,
641 SandyBrown = 0xF4A460,
647 SlateBlue = 0x6A5ACD,
648 SlateGray = 0x708090,
650 SpringGreen = 0x00FF7F,
651 SteelBlue = 0x4682B4,
656 Turquoise = 0x40E0D0,
660 WhiteSmoke = 0xF5F5F5,
662 YellowGreen = 0x9ACD32,
714 r =
static_cast<FLOAT>((rgb & sc_redMask) >> sc_redShift) / 255.f;
715 g =
static_cast<FLOAT>((rgb & sc_greenMask) >> sc_greenShift) / 255.f;
716 b =
static_cast<FLOAT>((rgb & sc_blueMask) >> sc_blueShift) / 255.f;
720 static const UINT32 sc_redShift = 16;
721 static const UINT32 sc_greenShift = 8;
722 static const UINT32 sc_blueShift = 0;
724 static const UINT32 sc_redMask = 0xff << sc_redShift;
725 static const UINT32 sc_greenMask = 0xff << sc_greenShift;
726 static const UINT32 sc_blueMask = 0xff << sc_blueShift;
791 Matrix3x2F translation;
793 translation._11 = 1.0; translation._12 = 0.0;
794 translation._21 = 0.0; translation._22 = 1.0;
795 translation._31 =
size.width; translation._32 =
809 return Translation(SizeF(
826 scale._31 = center.x -
size.width * center.x;
827 scale._32 = center.y -
size.height * center.y;
842 return Scale(SizeF(
y), center);
888 return static_cast<const Matrix3x2F *
897 return static_cast<Matrix3x2F *
905 return (_11 * _22) - (_12 * _21);
929 return _11 == 1.f && _12 == 0.f
930 && _21 == 0.f && _22 == 1.f
931 && _31 == 0.f && _32 == 0.f;
941 _11 =
a._11 *
b._11 +
a._12 *
942 _12 =
a._11 *
b._12 +
a._12 *
943 _21 =
a._21 *
b._11 +
a._22 *
944 _22 =
a._21 *
b._12 +
a._22 *
945 _31 =
a._31 *
b._11 +
a._32 *
b._21 +
946 _32 =
a._31 *
b._12 +
a._32 *
b._22 +
972 point.
x * _11 + point.
y * _21 + _31,
973 point.
x * _12 + point.
y * _22 + _32
988 return Matrix3x2F::ReinterpretBaseType(&
995 return Matrix3x2F::Identity();
1009 (*D2D1::Matrix3x2F::ReinterpretBaseType(&matrix1)) *
1010 (*D2D1::Matrix3x2F::ReinterpretBaseType(&matrix2));
1030 #endif // #ifndef D2D_USE_C_DEFINITIONS 1032 #endif // #ifndef _D2D1_HELPER_H_ GLsizeiptr const GLvoid GLenum usage
Definition: glext.h:6559
Specifies the algorithm that is used when images are scaled or rotated. Note Starting in Windows 8,...
Definition: d2d1.h:231
Definition: dcommon.h:178
D2D1_TAG tag2
Definition: d2d1.h:941
Enum which describes the drawing of the ends of a line.
Definition: d2d1.h:380
Definition: d2d1.h:3704
Contains the dimensions and corner radii of a rounded rectangle.
Definition: d2d1.h:665
UINT32 left
Definition: dcommon.h:240
FLOAT miterLimit
Definition: d2d1.h:683
Render text using the current system setting.
Definition: d2d1.h:205
Describes an arc that is defined as part of a path.
Definition: d2d1.h:628
Contains the gradient origin offset and the size and position of the gradient ellipse for an ID2D1Rad...
Definition: d2d1.h:354
UINT32 right
Definition: dcommon.h:242
Specified options that can be applied when a layer resource is applied to create a layer.
Definition: d2d1.h:694
Unknown compiler Device disconnected from port File already exists Saving to backup buffer Got connection Port Mapping Successful No arguments supplied and no menu displaying help Waiting for client You have joined as player u Player *s has left the game *s has joined with input devices *s The netplay peer is running an old version of RetroArch Cannot connect A netplay peer is running a different core Cannot connect This core does not support inter architecture netplay between these systems Enter netplay server Incorrect password A netplay client has disconnected You do not have permission to play The input devices requested are not available Netplay peer s paused Give hardware rendered cores their own private context Avoids having to assume hardware state changes inbetween frames Adjusts menu screen appearance settings Improves performance at the cost of latency and more video stuttering Use only if you cannot obtain full speed otherwise Autodetect Capabilities Connecting to port Password Username Accounts List Endpoint Achievements Resume Achievements Hardcore Mode Scan Content Import content Ask Block Frames Audio Driver Audio Enable Turbo Deadzone Audio Maximum Timing Skew Audio Output Dynamic Audio Rate Control Audio Audio Volume WASAPI Exclusive Mode WASAPI Shared Buffer Length Load Override Files Automatically Load Shader Presets Automatically Confirm Quit Scroll Up Toggle Keyboard Basic menu controls Info Scroll Up Toggle Keyboard Don t overwrite SaveRAM on loading savestate Buildbot Assets URL Allow Camera Cheat Start Search For New Cheat Code Cheat File Load Cheat Load Cheat Save Cheat File As Description Leaderboards Locked Locked Test Unofficial Achievements Unlocked Verbose Mode Close Content Load Configuration Save Configuration on Exit Database History List Size Quick Menu Downloads Core Counters Core Information Categories Core name Permissions System manufacturer Controls Install or Restore a Core Core installation succesful Core Automatically extract downloaded archive Core Updater CPU CPU Cursor Custom Ratio Database Selection Start directory< Default > Directory not found Disk Cycle Tray Status Disk Index Don t care Download a Core DPI Override Enable Driver Check for Missing Firmware Before Loading Dynamic Backgrounds Menu entry hover color False Favorites Include Memory Details Sync to Exact Content Frame Throttle Load Content Specific Core Options Automatically Save Game options file Audio Video Troubleshooting Basic Menu Controls Loading Content What Is A Core History Image Information All Users Control Menu Left analog Left analog Left Analog Y Left analog Right Analog X Right analog Right Analog Y Right analog Gun Trigger Gun Aux A Gun Aux C Gun Select Gun D pad Down Gun D pad Right Analog Stick Deadzone Bind All Bind Timeout Hide Unbound Core Input Descriptors Device Index Mouse Index Duty Cycle Keyboard Gamepad Mapping Enable B Down D pad L3 L Left D pad R3 R Right D pad Start button X Y Mouse Mouse Mouse Wheel Down Wheel Right Max Users Cheat index Cheat toggle Disk next Enable hotkeys Fast forward toggle FPS toggle Grab mouse toggle Desktop menu toggle Menu toggle Audio mute toggle On screen keyboard toggle Pause toggle Reset game Cheat Details Save state Next shader Slow motion hold Savestate slot Volume Display Overlay Show Inputs On Overlay Poll Type Behavior Late Prefer Front Touch Remap Binds Enable Input Touch Enable Turbo Period Latency Input Autoconfig Services Dutch Esperanto German Japanese Polish Russian Vietnamese Greek Core Core Logging Level Load Archive Load Content Allow Location Logging Main Menu Menu Color Theme Blue Grey Green Red Footer Opacity Menu Driver Settings Horizontal Animation Background Missing Mouse Support Music Navigation Wrap Around Netplay Netplay Check Frames Input Latency Frames Range Disconnect from netplay host Connect to netplay host Stop netplay host Scan local network Username Publicly Announce Netplay Disallow Non Slave Mode Clients Analog Input Sharing Average Share Vote No preference Netplay Stateless Mode Netplay Spectator Enable Netplay NAT Traversal Network Command Port Network Gamepad Network None No achievements to display No cores available No core options available No history available No items No networks found No playlists No settings found OFF Online Onscreen Display Adjust Bezels and Onscreen controls Adjust the Onscreen Notifications Optional Autoload Preferred Overlay Overlay Opacity Overlay Scale Use PAL60 Mode Pause when menu activated Performance Counters Playlist Touch Support Present MIDI Analog supported CERO Rating CRC32 Developer Edge Magazine Rating ELSPA Rating ESRB Rating Franchise MD5 Origin Publisher Releasedate Year Serial Start Content Reboot Recording Output Custom Record Config Record Driver Enable Recording Save Recordings in Output Dir Load Remap File Save Content Directory Remap File Delete Core Remap File Delete Game Content Directory Remap File Restart Resume RetroKeyboard RetroPad w Analog Rewind Enable Auto Apply Cheats During Game Load Rewind Buffer Size(MB)" ) MSG_HASH( MENU_ENUM_LABEL_VALUE_REWIND_BUFFER_SIZE_STEP
Definition: glslang_tab.cpp:129
D2D1_CAP_STYLE startCap
Definition: d2d1.h:679
Describes the opacity and transformation of a brush.
Definition: d2d1.h:318
#define PixelFormat
Definition: record_ffmpeg.c:117
Definition: dcommon.h:157
FLOAT dashOffset
Definition: d2d1.h:685
D2D1_PIXEL_FORMAT pixelFormat
Definition: d2d1.h:297
D2D1_POINT_2F startPoint
Definition: d2d1.h:344
Describes the antialiasing mode used for drawing text.
Definition: d2d1.h:199
BOOL WINAPI D2D1IsMatrixInvertible(_In_ CONST D2D1_MATRIX_3X2_F *matrix)
Definition: video_defines.h:62
D2D1_CAP_STYLE dashCap
Definition: d2d1.h:681
GLdouble GLdouble GLdouble r
Definition: glext.h:6406
Represents an x-coordinate and y-coordinate pair in two-dimensional space.
Definition: dcommon.h:165
Definition: d2d1.h:893
UINT32 height
Definition: dcommon.h:267
Contains the center point, x-radius, and y-radius of an ellipse.
Definition: d2d1.h:653
Describes how present should behave.
Definition: d2d1.h:861
UINT32 top
Definition: dcommon.h:241
GLsizeiptr size
Definition: glext.h:6559
GLfloat f
Definition: glext.h:8207
GLfloat angle
Definition: glext.h:11760
void WINAPI D2D1MakeSkewMatrix(_In_ FLOAT angleX, _In_ FLOAT angleY, _In_ D2D1_POINT_2F center, _Out_ D2D1_MATRIX_3X2_F *matrix)
Describes the sequence of dashes and gaps in a stroke.
Definition: d2d1.h:410
Linear filtering.
Definition: d2d1.h:243
GLenum GLenum GLenum GLenum GLenum scale
Definition: glext.h:9939
D2D1_MATRIX_3X2_F transform
Definition: d2d1.h:942
GLuint GLenum matrix
Definition: glext.h:10314
Represents a rectangle defined by the coordinates of the upper-left corner (left, top) and the coordi...
Definition: dcommon.h:224
GLint GLint bottom
Definition: glext.h:8393
FLOAT opacity
Definition: d2d1.h:320
D2D1_RECT_F rect
Definition: d2d1.h:667
D2D1_POINT_2F center
Definition: d2d1.h:356
GLdouble GLdouble GLdouble GLdouble top
Definition: glext.h:11766
HWND hwnd
Definition: d2d1.h:904
Describes whether a render target uses hardware or software rendering, or if Direct2D should select t...
Definition: d2d1.h:783
GLdouble GLdouble right
Definition: glext.h:11766
The edges of each primitive are antialiased sequentially.
Definition: d2d1.h:185
GLboolean GLboolean GLboolean b
Definition: glext.h:6844
Miter join.
Definition: d2d1.h:432
Alpha mode should be determined implicitly. Some target surfaces do not supply or imply this informat...
Definition: dcommon.h:131
D2D1_PIXEL_FORMAT pixelFormat
Definition: d2d1.h:889
Contains rendering options (hardware or software), pixel format, DPI information, remoting options,...
Definition: d2d1.h:886
#define NULL
Pointer to 0.
Definition: gctypes.h:65
Definition: d2d1.h:888
GLenum type
Definition: glext.h:6233
Enum which describes the drawing of the corners on the line.
Definition: d2d1.h:426
Defines the direction that an elliptical arc is drawn.
Definition: d2d1.h:603
Extend the edges of the source out by clamping sample points outside the source to the edges.
Definition: d2d1.h:158
Definition: dxgiformat.h:10
void WINAPI D2D1MakeRotateMatrix(_In_ FLOAT angle, _In_ D2D1_POINT_2F center, _Out_ D2D1_MATRIX_3X2_F *matrix)
Definition: dcommon.h:177
Describes how a render target is remoted and whether it should be GDI-compatible. This enumeration al...
Definition: d2d1.h:836
D2D1_RECT_F contentBounds
The rectangular clip that will be applied to the layer. The clip is affected by the world transform....
Definition: d2d1.h:725
D2D1_POINT_2F gradientOriginOffset
Definition: d2d1.h:357
Description of a pixel format.
Definition: dcommon.h:155
D2D1_POINT_2F point
Definition: d2d1.h:655
Definition: dxgiformat.h:12
FLOAT radiusX
Definition: d2d1.h:358
interface ID2D1Geometry ID2D1Geometry
Definition: d2d1.h:76
GLfloat GLfloat blue
Definition: glext.h:6290
Enum which describes how to sample from a source outside its base tile.
Definition: d2d1.h:151
FLOAT radiusY
Definition: d2d1.h:669
Enum which describes the manner in which we render edges of non-text primitives.
Definition: d2d1.h:179
D2D1_MATRIX_3X2_F maskTransform
An additional transform that may be applied to the mask in addition to the current world transform.
Definition: d2d1.h:742
D2D1_LINE_JOIN lineJoin
Definition: d2d1.h:682
D2D1_SIZE_U pixelSize
Definition: d2d1.h:905
Stores an ordered pair of floats, typically the width and height of a rectangle.
Definition: dcommon.h:252
D2D1_ALPHA_MODE alphaMode
Definition: dcommon.h:158
Definition: d2d1.h:290
D2D1_DASH_STYLE dashStyle
Definition: d2d1.h:684
GLint GLint GLint GLint GLint GLint y
Definition: glext.h:6295
D2D1_PRESENT_OPTIONS presentOptions
Definition: d2d1.h:906
GLint GLint GLint GLint GLint x
Definition: glext.h:6295
GLuint64EXT * result
Definition: glext.h:12211
Represents an x-coordinate and y-coordinate pair in two-dimensional space.
Definition: dcommon.h:175
BOOL WINAPI D2D1InvertMatrix(_Inout_ D2D1_MATRIX_3X2_F *matrix)
Qualifies how alpha is to be treated in a bitmap or render target containing alpha.
Definition: dcommon.h:124
FLOAT radiusX
Definition: d2d1.h:656
D2D1_MATRIX_3X2_F transform
Definition: d2d1.h:321
GLfloat GLfloat GLfloat alpha
Definition: glext.h:6290
Represents a 3-by-2 matrix.
Definition: dcommon.h:275
D2D1_EXTEND_MODE extendModeX
Definition: d2d1.h:331
Allows the drawing state to be atomically created. This also specifies the drawing state that is save...
Definition: d2d1.h:936
Represents a rectangle defined by the coordinates of the upper-left corner (left, top) and the coordi...
Definition: dcommon.h:238
Definition: d2d1.h:890
D2D is free to choose the render target type for the caller.
Definition: d2d1.h:789
D2D1_LAYER_OPTIONS layerOptions
Specifies if ClearType will be rendered into the layer.
Definition: d2d1.h:760
Flat line cap.
Definition: d2d1.h:386
Contains the starting point and endpoint of the gradient axis for an ID2D1LinearGradientBrush.
Definition: d2d1.h:342
Definition: d2d1.h:298
Definition: d2d1.h:299
Contains the content bounds, mask information, opacity settings, and other options for a layer resour...
Definition: d2d1.h:718
bool operator==(const FloatProxy< T > &first, const FloatProxy< T > &second)
Definition: hex_float.h:162
Describes the minimum DirectX support required for hardware rendering by a render target.
Definition: d2d1.h:809
uint32_t UINT32
Definition: coretypes.h:10
FLOAT opacity
The opacity with which all of the content in the layer will be blended back to the target when the la...
Definition: d2d1.h:748
FLOAT radiusY
Definition: d2d1.h:657
GLboolean GLboolean g
Definition: glext.h:6844
GLuint color
Definition: glext.h:6883
interface ID2D1Brush ID2D1Brush
Definition: d2d1.h:77
UINT32 width
Definition: dcommon.h:266
GLfloat green
Definition: glext.h:6290
GLint GLint GLsizei width
Definition: glext.h:6293
D2D1_EXTEND_MODE extendModeY
Definition: d2d1.h:332
D2D1_ANTIALIAS_MODE maskAntialiasMode
Specifies whether the mask should be aliased or antialiased.
Definition: d2d1.h:736
Contains the control point and end point for a quadratic Bezier segment.
Definition: d2d1.h:642
Stores an ordered pair of integers, typically the width and height of a rectangle.
Definition: dcommon.h:264
Contains the HWND, pixel size, and presentation options for an ID2D1HwndRenderTarget.
Definition: d2d1.h:902
D2D1_TAG tag1
Definition: d2d1.h:940
GLuint GLenum GLenum transform
Definition: glext.h:10314
D2D1_POINT_2F endPoint
Definition: d2d1.h:345
Definition: glslang_tab.cpp:133
Properties, aside from the width, that allow geometric penning to be specified.
Definition: d2d1.h:677
Definition: d2d1.h:892
The caller does not require a particular underlying D3D device level.
Definition: d2d1.h:815
Type of JSON value.
Definition: rapidjson.h:603
Contains the position and color of a gradient stop.
Definition: d2d1.h:307
D2D1_TEXT_ANTIALIAS_MODE textAntialiasMode
Definition: d2d1.h:939
Definition: d2d1.h:333
Compilador Desconocido Dispositivo desconectado del puerto El archivo ya existe Guardándolo en el búfer de respaldo Conexión obtenida Dirección pública Poniendo disco en bandeja As dejado el juego Se ha unido con el dispositivo de entrada *s *s se ha unido como jugador u Una conexión de netplay probablemente no este usando RetroArch o esté usando una versión antigua de RetroArch use la misma versión use la misma versión Este núcleo no soporta juego en red entre diferentes sistemas Contraseña incorrecta Un cliente de juego en red se ha desconectado No tienes permiso para jugar El dispositivo de entrada pedido no esta disponible Cliente de juego en red s pausado Dar a los núcleos renderizados por hardware un contexto privado Evita tener que asumir cambios en el estado del hardware entre cuadros Ajusta la apariencia del menú Mejora el rendimiento a costa de la latencia y posiblemente algunos tirones Usar solo si no puede obtener máxima velocidad de otra manera Auto detectar Capacidades Conectando al puerto Lo no Contraseña Nombre de usuario Fin de la lista Lista de logros Continuar usando el modo Hardcore de logros Escanear Contenido Importar contenido Preguntar Bloquear frames Controlador de Audio Activar audio Turbo Zona Muerta Variación máxima de sincronía de audio Frecuencia de muestreo de Control de frecuencia dinámico Audio Volumen de WASAPI Mode Exclusivo WASAPI Tamaño del búfer compartido Cargar autom archivos de personalización Cargar Shaders automáticamente Confirmar Salir Desplazar hacia arriba Mostrar teclado Controles básicos del menú Información Desplazar hacia arriba Mostrar teclado No sobrescribir SaveRAM al cargar URL de recursos del Buildbot Permitir cámara Truco Iniciar búsqueda de trucos Archivo de trucos Cargar archivo de Cargar archivo de Guardar archivo de trucos como Descripción Tablas de clasificación Logros Bloqueado Probar logros No oficiales Desbloqueado Logros modo informativo Cerrar Cargar configuración Guardar configuración al salir Base de datos Tamaño del historial Menú rápido Descargas Contadores de núcleo Información del núcleo Categorías Nombre del núcleo Permisos Fabricante del sistema Controles Instalar or Restaurar un núcleo Núcleo instalado exitosamente Núcleo Extraer automáticamente el archivo descargado Actualizador de núcleos Arquitectura de Núcleos de Cursor Relación personalizada Seleccionar bases de datos Favoritos< Predeterminada > No se ha encontrado la carpeta Abrir Cerrar la bandeja de discos Índice de disco No importa Descargar núcleo Forzar DPI Controladores Chequear si falta Firmware antes de cargar Fondos de pantalla dinámicos Color de resaltado del menú Desactivado Favoritos Incluir detalles de memoria Sincronizar Velocidad de frames Usar opciones de núcleo para cada juego si existen Archivo de opciones del juego Solucionar problemas de Audio Video Controles básicos del menú Cargando contenido ¿Qué es un núcleo Historial Imágenes Información Todos controlan el menú Analógico izq Analógico izq Analógico izq Y Analógico izq Analógico der X Analógico der Analógico der Y Analógico der Activar Auto configuración Asignar todo Tiempo limite para asignar Ocultar descripciones de entrada sin asignar de los núcleo Indice de dispositivo Indice de ratón Ciclo de trabajo Activar mapeo de Teclado Mando Botón D pad ABAJO Botón Botón D pad IZQUIERDA Botón Botón D pad DERECHA Botón Start Botón Botón Ratón Ratón Ratón Rueda ABAJO Rueda DERECHA Máximo de usuarios Indice de trucos Activar truco Siguiente disco Activar hotkeys Avance rápido Mostrar FPS Capturar ratón Activar menú de escritorio Mostrar menú Silenciar audio Mostrar teclado en pantalla Pausar Resetear juego Detalles de truco Guardar estado Siguiente shader Tecla a mantener para cámara lenta Posición de guardado Volumen Mostrar superposición Mostrar entradas en la superposición Comportamiento del sondeo Tarde Preferir táctil frontal Permitir reasignar controles Controles Activar táctil Periodo del turbo Latencia Auto configuración de controles Servicios Holandés Esperanto Alemán Japones Polaco Ruso Vietnamita Griego Núcleos Nivel de registro de los núcleos Cargar archivo Cargar Contenido Permitir ubicación Registros Menú principal Tema de color del menú Azul gris Verde Rojo Opacidad del pie de página Controlador del menú Configuraciones Animación horizontal Fondo Faltante Soporte para ratón Música Volver al inicio al llegar al final Juego en red Juego en red
Definition: msg_hash_es.h:1732
Definition: d2d1.h:891
Definition: d2d1.h:680
GLint left
Definition: glext.h:8393
UINT32 bottom
Definition: dcommon.h:243
Differentiates which of the two possible arcs could match the given arc parameters.
Definition: d2d1.h:368
Describes a cubic bezier in a path.
Definition: d2d1.h:563
The text renderer interface represents a set of application-defined callbacks that perform rendering ...
Definition: d3d8types.h:57
FLOAT radiusX
Definition: d2d1.h:668
GLboolean GLboolean GLboolean GLboolean a
Definition: glext.h:6844
GLint GLint GLsizei GLsizei height
Definition: glext.h:6293
Describes the extend modes and the interpolation mode of an ID2D1BitmapBrush.
Definition: d2d1.h:329
FLOAT radiusY
Definition: d2d1.h:359
D2D1_ANTIALIAS_MODE antialiasMode
Definition: d2d1.h:938
Describes the pixel format and dpi of a bitmap.
Definition: d2d1.h:295