Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /*
2  Copyright (c) 2012 John-Anthony Owens
4  Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a
5  copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"),
6  to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation
7  the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense,
8  and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the
9  Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
11  The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included
12  in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
21 */
26 /* The library version */
31 /* JSON_NO_PARSER and JSON_NO_WRITER, if defined, remove the corresponding
32  * APIs and functionality from the library.
33  */
34 #if defined(JSON_NO_PARSER) && defined(JSON_NO_WRITER)
35 #error JSON_NO_PARSER and JSON_NO_WRITER cannot both be defined!
36 #endif
38 #include <stddef.h> /* for size_t and NULL */
40 /* The library API is C and should not be subjected to C++ name mangling. */
41 #ifdef __cplusplus
42 extern "C" {
43 #endif
45 /* JSON_EXPORT controls the library's public API import/export linkage
46  * specifiers. By default, the library will be compiled to support dynamic
47  * linkage. In order to build the library for static linkage, the JSON_STATIC
48  * macro must be defined when the library itself is built AND when the client
49  * includes jsonsax.h.
50  */
51 #if defined(JSON_STATIC)
52 #define JSON_EXPORT /* nothing */
53 #else
54 #if defined(_MSC_VER)
55 #if defined(JSON_BUILDING)
56 #define JSON_EXPORT __declspec(dllexport)
57 #else
58 #define JSON_EXPORT __declspec(dllimport)
59 #endif
60 #else
61 #if defined(JSON_BUILDING)
62 #define JSON_EXPORT __attribute__ ((visibility("default")))
63 #else
64 #define JSON_EXPORT /* nothing */
65 #endif
66 #endif
67 #endif
69 /* JSON_CALL controls the library's public API calling-convention. Clients'
70  * handler functions should be declared with JSON_CALL in order to ensure
71  * that the calling convention matches.
72  */
73 #ifndef JSON_CALL
74 #if defined(_MSC_VER)
75 #define JSON_CALL __cdecl
76 #elif defined(__GNUC__) && defined(__i386) && !defined(__INTEL_COMPILER)
77 #define JSON_CALL __attribute__((cdecl))
78 #else
79 #define JSON_CALL /* nothing */
80 #endif
81 #endif
85 /* Boolean values used by the library. */
86 typedef enum tag_JSON_Boolean
87 {
90 } JSON_Boolean;
92 /* Values returned by library APIs to indicate success or failure. */
93 typedef enum tag_JSON_Status
94 {
97 } JSON_Status;
99 /* Error codes. */
100 typedef enum tag_JSON_Error
101 {
119 } JSON_Error;
121 /* Text encodings. */
122 typedef enum tag_JSON_Encoding
123 {
130 } JSON_Encoding;
132 /* Attributes of a string value. */
134 {
136  JSON_ContainsNullCharacter = 1 << 0, /* U+0000 */
137  JSON_ContainsControlCharacter = 1 << 1, /* U+0000 - U+001F */
138  JSON_ContainsNonASCIICharacter = 1 << 2, /* U+0080 - U+10FFFF */
139  JSON_ContainsNonBMPCharacter = 1 << 3, /* U+10000 - U+10FFFF */
140  JSON_ContainsReplacedCharacter = 1 << 4 /* an invalid encoding sequence was replaced by U+FFFD */
142 typedef unsigned int JSON_StringAttributes;
144 /* Attributes of a number value. */
146 {
148  JSON_IsNegative = 1 << 0,
149  JSON_IsHex = 1 << 1,
154 typedef unsigned int JSON_NumberAttributes;
156 /* Types of "special" number. */
158 {
159  JSON_NaN = 0,
164 /* Information identifying a location in a parser instance's input stream. */
165 typedef struct tag_JSON_Location
166 {
167  /* The zero-based index of the byte in the input stream. Note that this
168  * is the only value that unambiguously identifies the location, since
169  * line and column refer to characters (which may be encoded in the input
170  * as multi-byte sequences) rather than bytes.
171  */
172  size_t byte;
174  /* The zero-based line number of the character in the input stream. Note
175  * that the parser treats each of the following character sequences as a
176  * single line break for purposes of computing line numbers:
177  *
178  * U+000A (LINE FEED)
181  *
182  */
183  size_t line;
185  /* The zero-based column number of the character in the input stream. */
186  size_t column;
188  /* The zero-based depth in the JSON document structure at the location. */
189  size_t depth;
190 } JSON_Location;
192 /* Custom memory management handlers.
193  *
194  * The semantics of these handlers correspond exactly to those of standard
195  * realloc(), and free(). The handlers also receive the value of the memory
196  * suite's user data parameter, which clients can use to implement memory
197  * pools or impose custom allocation limits, if desired.
198  */
199 typedef void* (JSON_CALL * JSON_ReallocHandler)(void* userData, void* ptr, size_t size);
200 typedef void (JSON_CALL * JSON_FreeHandler)(void* userData, void* ptr);
202 /* A suite of custom memory management functions. */
203 typedef struct tag_JSON_MemorySuite
204 {
205  void* userData;
210 /******************** JSON Parser ********************/
212 #ifndef JSON_NO_PARSER
214 /* Parser instance. */
215 struct JSON_Parser_Data; /* opaque data */
218 /* Create a parser instance.
219  *
220  * If pMemorySuite is null, the library will use the C runtime realloc() and
221  * free() as the parser's memory management suite. Otherwise, all the
222  * handlers in the memory suite must be non-null or the call will fail and
223  * return null.
224  */
227 /* Free a parser instance.
228  *
229  * Every successful call to JSON_Parser_Create() must eventually be paired
230  * with a call to JSON_Parser_Free() in order to avoid leaking memory.
231  *
232  * This function returns failure if the parser parameter is null or if the
233  * function was called reentrantly from inside a handler.
234  */
237 /* Reset a parser instance so that it can be used to parse a new input stream.
238  *
239  * This function returns failure if the parser parameter is null or if the
240  * function was called reentrantly from inside a handler.
241  *
242  * After a parser is reset, its state is indistinguishable from its state
243  * when it was returned by JSON_Parser_Create(). The parser's custom memory
244  * suite, if any, is preserved; all other settings, state, and handlers are
245  * restored to their default values.
246  */
249 /* Get and set the user data value associated with a parser instance.
250  *
251  * This setting allows clients to associate additional data with a
252  * parser instance. The parser itself does not use the value.
253  *
254  * The default value of this setting is null.
255  *
256  * This setting can be changed at any time, even inside handlers.
257  */
261 /* Get and set the input encoding for a parser instance.
262  *
263  * If the client does not explicitly set the input encoding before calling
264  * JSON_Parser_Parse() on the parser instance, the parser will use the first
265  * 4 bytes of input to detect the input encoding automatically. Once the
266  * parser has detected the encoding, calls to JSON_Parser_GetInputEncoding()
267  * will return the detected value.
268  *
269  * The default value of this setting is JSON_UnknownEncoding.
270  *
271  * This setting cannot be changed once the parser has started parsing.
272  */
276 /* Get and set the string encoding for a parser instance.
277  *
278  * This setting controls the encoding of the string values that are
279  * passed to the string and object member handlers.
280  *
281  * The default value of this setting is JSON_UTF8.
282  *
283  * This setting cannot be set to JSON_UnknownEncoding.
284  *
285  * This setting cannot be changed once the parser has started parsing.
286  */
290 /* Get and set the maximum length of strings that a parser instance allows.
291  *
292  * This setting controls the maximum length, in bytes (NOT characters), of
293  * the encoded strings that are passed to the string and object member
294  * handlers. If the parser encounters a string that, when encoded in the
295  * string encoding, is longer than the maximum string length, it triggers
296  * the JSON_TooLongString error.
297  *
298  * The default value of this setting is SIZE_MAX.
299  *
300  * This setting cannot be changed once the parser has started parsing.
301  */
305 /* Get and set the number encoding for a parser instance.
306  *
307  * This setting controls the encoding of the number values that are
308  * passed to the number handler.
309  *
310  * The default value of this setting is JSON_UTF8.
311  *
312  * This setting cannot be set to JSON_UnknownEncoding.
313  *
314  * This setting cannot be changed once the parser has started parsing.
315  */
319 /* Get and set the maximum length of numbers that a parser instance allows.
320  *
321  * This setting controls the maximum length, in bytes (NOT characters), of
322  * the encoded numbers that are passed to the number handler. If the parser
323  * encounters a number that, when encoded in the number encoding, is longer
324  * than the maximum number length, it triggers the JSON_TooLongNumber error.
325  *
326  * The default value of this setting is SIZE_MAX.
327  *
328  * This setting cannot be changed once the parser has started parsing.
329  */
333 /* Get and set whether a parser instance allows the input to begin with a
334  * byte-order-mark (BOM).
335  *
336  * RFC 4627 does not allow JSON text to begin with a BOM, but some clients
337  * may find it convenient to be lenient in this regard; for example, if the
338  * JSON text is being read from a file that has a BOM.
339  *
340  * The default value of this setting is JSON_False.
341  *
342  * This setting cannot be changed once the parser has started parsing.
343  */
347 /* Get and set whether a parser instance allows Javascript-style comments to
348  * appear in the JSON text.
349  *
350  * RFC 4627 does not allow JSON text to contain comments, but some clients
351  * may find it useful to allow them.
352  *
353  * Both types of comment described by ECMA-262 (multi-line and single-line)
354  * are supported.
355  *
356  * The default value of this setting is JSON_False.
357  *
358  * This setting cannot be changed once the parser has started parsing.
359  */
363 /* Get and set whether a parser instance allows the "special" number literals
364  * NaN, Infinity, and -Infinity.
365  *
366  * RFC 4627 does not provide any way to represent NaN, Infinity, or -Infinity,
367  * but some clients may find it convenient to recognize these as literals,
368  * since they are emitted by many common JSON generators.
369  *
370  * The default value of this setting is JSON_False.
371  *
372  * This setting cannot be changed once the parser has started parsing.
373  */
377 /* Get and set whether a parser instance allows hexadecimal notation to be
378  * used for specifying number values.
379  *
380  * RFC 4627 does not allow hexadecimal numbers, but some clients may find it
381  * convenient to allow them, in order to represent binary bit patterns more
382  * easily.
383  *
384  * The parser recognizes hexadecimal numbers that conform to the syntax of
385  * HexIntegerLiteral, as described in section 7.8.3 of ECMA-262. That is, a
386  * valid hexadecimal number must comprise the prefix '0x' or '0X', followed
387  * by a sequence of one or more of the following characters: '0' - '9',
388  * 'a' - 'f', and 'A' - 'F'.
389  *
390  * Hexadecimal numbers cannot be prefixed by a minus sign.
391  *
392  * The default value of this setting is JSON_False.
393  *
394  * This setting cannot be changed once the parser has started parsing.
395  */
399 /* Get and set whether a parser instance allows unescaped control characters
400  * (U+0000 - U+001F) to appear inside string values.
401  *
402  * RFC 4627 does not allow JSON text to contain unescaped control characters,
403  * but some clients may find it useful to allow them.
404  *
405  * The default value of this setting is JSON_False.
406  *
407  * This setting cannot be changed once the parser has started parsing.
408  */
412 /* Get and set whether a parser instance replaces invalid encoding sequences
413  * it encounters inside string tokens with the Unicode replacement character
414  * (U+FFFD) rather than triggering an error.
415  *
416  * By default, the parser is strict when decoding the input stream, and will
417  * fail if it encounters an encoding sequence that is not valid for the input
418  * encoding. Note especially that this includes (but is not limited to) the
419  * following:
420  *
421  * - Overlong encoding sequences in UTF-8.
422  * - Surrogate codepoints encoded in UTF-8 or UTF-32.
423  * - Unpaired or improperly-paired surrogates in UTF-16.
424  * - Codepoints outside the Unicode range encoded in UTF-8 or UTF-32.
425  *
426  * The replacement follows the rules and recommendations described in section
427  * 3.9 of version 5.2.0 of [the Unicode Standard](
428  *
429  * The default value of this setting is JSON_False.
430  *
431  * This setting cannot be changed once the parser has started parsing.
432  */
436 /* Get and set whether a parser instance tracks object member names for all
437  * open objects and detects duplicate members if any occur in the input.
438  *
439  * RFC 4627 stipulates that JSON parsers SHOULD check for duplicates, but
440  * may opt not to in light of reasonable implementation considerations.
441  * Checking for duplicate members necessarily incurs non-trivial memory
442  * overhead, and is therefore not enabled by default. Most clients use
443  * their parse handlers to build some sort of in-memory DOM representation
444  * of the JSON text and therefore already have the means to check for
445  * duplicate member names without incurring additional memory overhead; it
446  * is recommended that these clients implement duplicate member checking
447  * in their object member handler (refer to SetObjectMemberHandler() for
448  * details) and leave this setting disabled.
449  *
450  * The default value of this setting is JSON_False.
451  *
452  * This setting cannot be changed once the parser has started parsing.
453  */
457 /* Get and set whether a parser instance stops parsing as soon as the end of
458  * the top-level JSON document is parsed.
459  *
460  * This setting allows the client to parse JSON content that is embedded
461  * inside a larger data stream. If this setting is enabled, the parser will,
462  * upon successfully parsing the end of the embedded JSON document, set its
463  * error to JSON_Error_StoppedAfterEmbeddedDocument, set its error location
464  * to the location in the input stream immediately following the end of the
465  * document, and return JSON_Failure from JSON_Parser_Parse().
466  *
467  * The default value of this setting is JSON_False.
468  *
469  * This setting cannot be changed once the parser has started parsing.
470  */
474 /* Get the type of error, if any, encountered by a parser instance.
475  *
476  * If the parser encountered an error while parsing input, this function
477  * returns the type of the error. Otherwise, this function returns
478  * JSON_Error_None.
479  */
482 /* Get the location in the input stream at which a parser instance
483  * encountered an error.
484  *
485  * If the parser encountered an error while parsing input, this function
486  * sets the members of the structure pointed to by pLocation to the location
487  * in the input stream at which the error occurred and returns success.
488  * Otherwise, it leaves the members unchanged and returns failure.
489  */
492 /* Get the location in the input stream of the beginning of the token
493  * that is currently being handled by one of a parser instance's parse
494  * handlers.
495  *
496  * If the parser is inside a parse handler, this function sets the members
497  * of the structure pointed to by pLocation to the location and returns
498  * success. Otherwise, it leaves the members unchanged and returns failure.
499  */
502 /* Get the location in the input stream that immediately follows the end of
503  * the token that is currently being handled by one of a parser instance's
504  * parse handlers.
505  *
506  * If the parser is inside a parse handler, this function sets the members
507  * of the structure pointed to by pLocation to the location and returns
508  * success. Otherwise, it leaves the members unchanged and returns failure.
509  */
512 /* Parse handlers are callbacks that the client provides in order to
513  * be notified about the structure of the JSON document as it is being
514  * parsed. The following notes apply equally to all parse handlers:
515  *
516  * 1. Parse handlers are optional. In fact, a parser with no parse
517  * handlers at all can be used to simply validate that the input
518  * is valid JSON.
519  *
520  * 2. Parse handlers can be set, unset, or changed at any time, even
521  * from inside a parse handler.
522  *
523  * 3. If a parse handler returns JSON_Parser_Abort, the parser will
524  * abort the parse, set its error to JSON_Error_AbortedByHandler,
525  * set its error location to the start of the token that triggered
526  * the handler, and return JSON_Failure from the outer call to
527  * JSON_Parser_Parse().
528  *
529  * 4. A parse handler can get the location in the input stream of the
530  * token that triggered the handler by calling
531  * JSON_Parser_GetTokenLocation().
532  */
534 /* Values returned by parse handlers to indicate whether parsing should
535  * continue or be aborted.
536  *
537  * Note that JSON_TreatAsDuplicateObjectMember should only be returned by
538  * object member handlers. Refer to JSON_Parser_SetObjectMemberHandler()
539  * for details.
540  */
542 {
548 /* Get and set the handler that is called when a parser instance detects the
549  * input encoding.
550  *
551  * If the parser instance's input encoding was set to JSON_UnknownEncoding
552  * when parsing began, this handler will be called as soon as the actual
553  * input encoding has been detected.
554  *
555  * Note that JSON_Parser_GetTokenLocation() will return failure if called
556  * from inside this handler, since there is no token associated with this
557  * event.
558  */
563 /* Get and set the handler that is called when a parser instance encounters
564  * a JSON null literal value.
565  */
570 /* Get and set the handler that is called when a parser instance encounters
571  * a JSON boolean value (true or false).
572  */
577 /* Get and set the handler that is called when a parser instance encounters
578  * a JSON string value.
579  *
580  * The pValue parameter points to a buffer containing the string value,
581  * encoded according to the parser instance's string encoding setting. The
582  * buffer is null-terminated (the null terminator character is also encoded).
583  * Note, however, that JSON strings may contain embedded null characters,
584  * which are specifiable using the escape sequence \u0000. The client is
585  * free to modify the contents of the buffer during the handler.
586  *
587  * The length parameter specifies the number of bytes (NOT characters) in
588  * the encoded string, not including the encoded null terminator.
589  *
590  * The attributes parameter provides information about the characters
591  * that comprise the string. If the option to replace invalid encoding
592  * sequences is enabled and the string contains any Unicode replacement
593  * characters (U+FFFD) that were the result of replacing invalid encoding
594  * sequences in the input, the attributes will include the value
595  * JSON_ContainsReplacedCharacter. Note that the absence of this attribute
596  * does not imply that the string does not contain any U+FFFD characters,
597  * since such characters may have been present in the original input, and
598  * not inserted by a replacement operation.
599  */
604 /* Get and set the handler that is called when a parser instance encounters
605  * a JSON number value.
606  *
607  * JSON numbers do not have a defined binary representation or precision,
608  * and different clients may wish to interpret them differently, for
609  * example, as IEEE 754 doubles, 64-bit integers, or arbitrary-precision
610  * bignums. For this reason, the parser does not attempt to interpret
611  * number values, but leaves this to the client.
612  *
613  * The pValue parameter points to a buffer containing the number value,
614  * encoded according to the parser instance's number encoding setting. The
615  * buffer is null-terminated (the null terminator character is also encoded).
616  * The buffer is guaranteed to contain only characters allowed in JSON number
617  * values, that is: '0' - '9', '+', '-', '.', 'e', and 'E'; if the option
618  * to allow hex numbers is enabled, the text may also contain the characters
619  * 'x', 'X', 'a' - 'f', and 'A' - 'F'. The client is free to modify the
620  * contents of the buffer during the handler. This is especially useful
621  * to clients that wish to convert the number to a double using the C
622  * standard library's strtod() function, which is locale-sensitive; in this
623  * case, the client should modify the buffer to replace the '.' character
624  * with localconv()->decimal_point[0] before passing the buffer to strtod().
625  *
626  * The length parameter specifies the number of bytes (NOT characters) in
627  * the encoded number, not including the encoded null terminator.
628  *
629  * The attributes parameter provides information about the number.
630  */
635 /* Get and set the handler that is called when a parser instance encounters
636  * one of the "special" number literals NaN, Infinity, and -Inifinity.
637  */
642 /* Get and set the handler that is called when a parser instance encounters
643  * the left curly brace that starts an object.
644  */
649 /* Get and set the handler that is called when a parser instance encounters
650  * the right curly brace that ends an object.
651  */
656 /* Get and set the handler that is called when a parser instance encounters
657  * an object member name.
658  *
659  * The pValue parameter points to a buffer containing the member name,
660  * encoded according to the parser instance's string encoding setting. The
661  * buffer is null-terminated (the null terminator character is also encoded).
662  * Note, however, that JSON strings may contain embedded null characters,
663  * which are specifiable using the escape sequence \u0000. The client is
664  * free to modify the contents of the buffer during the handler.
665  *
666  * The length parameter specifies the number of bytes (NOT characters) in
667  * the encoded string, not including the encoded null terminator.
668  *
669  * The attributes parameter provides information about the characters
670  * that comprise the string. If the option to replace invalid encoding
671  * sequences is enabled and the string contains any Unicode replacement
672  * characters (U+FFFD) that were the result of replacing invalid encoding
673  * sequences in the input, the attributes will include the value
674  * JSON_ContainsReplacedCharacter. Note that the absence of this attribute
675  * does not imply that the string does not contain any U+FFFD characters,
676  * since such characters may have been present in the original input, and
677  * not inserted by a replacement operation.
678  *
679  * The handler can return JSON_Parser_TreatAsDuplicateObjectMember to
680  * indicate that the current object already contains a member with the
681  * specified name. This allows clients to implement duplicate member
682  * checking without incurring the additional memory overhead associated
683  * with enabling the TrackObjectMembers setting.
684  */
689 /* Get and set the handler that is called when a parser instance encounters
690  * the left square brace that starts an array.
691  */
696 /* Get and set the handler that is called when a parser instance encounters
697  * the right square brace that ends an array.
698  */
703 /* Get and set the handler that is called when a parser instance encounters
704  * an array item.
705  *
706  * This event is always immediately followed by a null, boolean, string,
707  * number, special number, start object, or start array event.
708  */
713 /* Push zero or more bytes of input to a parser instance.
714  *
715  * The pBytes parameter points to a buffer containing the bytes to be
716  * parsed, if any. pBytes may be NULL if and only if the length parameter
717  * is 0.
718  *
719  * The length parameter specifies the number of bytes (NOT characters)
720  * pointed to by pBytes.
721  *
722  * The isFinal parameter specifies whether the parser should treat the
723  * input to the call as the last chunk of input in the JSON document.
724  * If this parameter is JSON_False, the parser will assume that more
725  * input may be forthcoming.
726  *
727  * The parser adheres to [RFC 4627](,
728  * except that any JSON value (null, true, false, string, number, object,
729  * or array) is accepted as a valid top-level entity in the parsed text.
730  *
731  * This function returns failure if the parser parameter is null, if the
732  * function was called reentrantly from inside a handler, or if the
733  * parser instance has already finished parsing.
734  */
737 #endif /* JSON_NO_PARSER */
739 /******************** JSON Writer ********************/
741 #ifndef JSON_NO_WRITER
743 /* Writer instance. */
744 struct JSON_Writer_Data; /* opaque data */
747 /* Create a writer instance.
748  *
749  * If pMemorySuite is null, the library will use the C runtime realloc() and
750  * free() as the writer's memory management suite. Otherwise, all the
751  * handlers in the memory suite must be non-null or the call will fail and
752  * return null.
753  */
756 /* Free a writer instance.
757  *
758  * Every successful call to JSON_Writer_Create() must eventually be paired
759  * with a call to JSON_Writer_Free() in order to avoid leaking memory.
760  *
761  * This function returns failure if the writer parameter is null or if the
762  * function was called reentrantly from inside a handler.
763  */
766 /* Reset a writer instance so that it can be used to write a new output
767  * stream.
768  *
769  * This function returns failure if the writer parameter is null or if the
770  * function was called reentrantly from inside a handler.
771  *
772  * After a writer is reset, its state is indistinguishable from its state
773  * when it was returned by JSON_Writer_Create(). The writer's custom memory
774  * suite, if any, is preserved; all other settings, state, and handlers are
775  * restored to their default values.
776  */
779 /* Get and set the user data value associated with a writer instance.
780  *
781  * This setting allows clients to associate additional data with a
782  * writer instance. The writer itself does not use the value.
783  *
784  * The default value of this setting is NULL.
785  *
786  * This setting can be changed at any time, even inside handlers.
787  */
791 /* Get and set the output encoding for a writer instance.
792  *
793  * The default value of this setting is JSON_UTF8.
794  *
795  * This setting cannot be set to JSON_UnknownEncoding.
796  *
797  * This setting cannot be changed once the writer has started writing.
798  */
802 /* Get and set whether a writer instance uses CARRIAGE RETURN, LINE FEED
803  * (CRLF) as the new line sequence generated by JSON_Writer_WriteNewLine().
804  *
805  * The default value of this setting is JSON_False.
806  *
807  * This setting cannot be changed once the writer has started writing.
808  */
812 /* Get and set whether a writer instance replaces invalid encoding sequences
813  * it encounters in string tokens with the Unicode replacement character
814  * (U+FFFD) rather than triggering an error.
815  *
816  * The default value of this setting is JSON_False.
817  *
818  * This setting cannot be changed once the writer has started writing.
819  */
823 /* Get and set whether a writer instance escapes all non-ASCII characters
824  * that it outputs. This can be useful for debugging, or when the output
825  * will be consumed by a parser that does not support UTF-encoded input.
826  * It is not recommended as a general practice, since it bloats the size
827  * of non-ASCII strings considerably, compared to UTF encoding.
828  *
829  * The default value of this setting is JSON_False.
830  *
831  * This setting cannot be changed once the writer has started writing.
832  */
836 /* Get the type of error, if any, encountered by a writer instance.
837  *
838  * If the writer encountered an error while writing input, this function
839  * returns the type of the error. Otherwise, this function returns
840  * JSON_Error_None.
841  */
844 /* The JSON_Writer_WriteXXX() family of functions cause JSON text to be
845  * sent to a writer instance's output handler. The following notes apply
846  * equally to all these functions:
847  *
848  * 1. The output handler is optional, and can be set, unset, or changed
849  * at any time, even from inside the output handler.
850  *
851  * 2. A single call to JSON_Writer_WriteXXX() may trigger multiple calls
852  * to the output handler.
853  *
854  * 3. All output generated by a call to JSON_Writer_WriteXXX() is sent
855  * to the output handler before the call returns; that is, the writer
856  * does not aggregate output from multiple writes before sending it to
857  * the output handler.
858  *
859  * 4. A call to JSON_Writer_WriteXXX() will fail if the writer has
860  * already encountered an error.
861  *
862  * 5. A call to JSON_Writer_WriteXXX() will fail if the call was made
863  * reentrantly from inside a handler.
864  *
865  * 6. A call to JSON_Writer_WriteXXX() will fail if it would cause the
866  * writer to output grammatically-incorrect JSON text.
867  *
868  * 7. If an output handler returns JSON_Writer_Abort, the writer will
869  * abort the write, set its error to JSON_Error_AbortedByHandler,
870  * set its error location to the location in the output stream prior
871  * to the call to the handler, and return JSON_Failure from the outer
872  * call to JSON_Writer_WriteXXX().
873  */
875 /* Values returned by write handlers to indicate whether writing should
876  * continue or be aborted.
877  */
879 {
884 /* Get and set the handler that is called when a writer instance has output
885  * ready to be written.
886  *
887  * The pBytes parameter points to a buffer containing the bytes to be written,
888  * encoded according to the writer instance's output encoding setting. The
889  * buffer is NOT null-terminated.
890  *
891  * The length parameter specifies the number of bytes (NOT characters) in
892  * the encoded output.
893  */
898 /* Write the JSON null literal to the output. */
901 /* Write a JSON boolean value to the output. */
904 /* Write a JSON string value to the output.
905  *
906  * The pValue parameter points to a buffer containing the string to be
907  * written. The buffer does NOT need to be null-terminated. This
908  * parameter can be null if and only if the length parameter is zero.
909  *
910  * The length parameter specifies the number of bytes (NOT characters)
911  * in the buffer. If the buffer is null-terminated, the length should
912  * NOT include the null terminator.
913  *
914  * The encoding parameter specifies the encoding of the text pointed
915  * to by pValue. This parameter cannot be JSON_UnknownEncoding.
916  *
917  * If the string contains invalid encoding sequences and the option to
918  * replace invalid encoding sequences with the Unicode replacement
919  * character (U+FFFD) is not enabled for the writer instance, the writer
920  * sets its error to JSON_Error_InvalidEncodingSequence and returns
921  * failure.
922  *
923  * The writer escapes the following codepoints:
924  *
925  * - BACKSPACE (U+0008) => \b
926  * - TAB (U+0009) => \t
927  * - LINE FEED (U+000A) => \n
928  * - FORM FEED (U+000C) => \f
929  * - CARRIAGE RETURN (U+000D) => \r
930  * - QUOTATION MARK (U+0022) => \"
931  * - SOLIDUS (U+002F) => \/
932  * - REVERSE SOLIDUS (U+005C) => \\
933  *
934  * The writer also escapes the following codepoints using hex-style escape
935  * sequences:
936  *
937  * - All control characters (U+0000 - U+001F) except those covered by the
938  * list above.
939  * - DELETE (U+007F)
940  * - LINE SEPARATOR (U+2028)
942  * - All 34 Unicode "noncharacter" codepoints whose values end in FE or FF.
943  * - All 32 Unicode "noncharacter" codepoints in the range U+FDD0 - U+FDEF.
944  * - REPLACEMENT CHARACTER (U+FFFD), if it did not appear in the original
945  * string provided by the client; in other words, if the writer introduced
946  * it in the output as a replacement for an invalid encoding sequence in
947  * the original string.
948  *
949  * If the setting to escape all non-ASCII characters is enabled, ALL
950  * codepoints above U+0080 are escaped using hex-style escape sequences.
951  */
954 /* Write a JSON number value to the output.
955  *
956  * The pValue parameter points to a buffer containing the number to be
957  * written. The buffer does NOT need to be null-terminated.
958  *
959  * The length parameter specifies the number of bytes (NOT characters)
960  * in the buffer. If the buffer is null-terminated, the length should
961  * NOT include the null terminator.
962  *
963  * The encoding parameter specifies the encoding of the text pointed
964  * to by pValue. This parameter cannot be JSON_UnknownEncoding.
965  *
966  * If the number contains an invalid encoding sequence, the writer sets
967  * its error to JSON_Error_InvalidEncodingSequence and returns failure,
968  * regardless of whether the option to replace invalid encoding sequences
969  * with the Unicode replacement character (U+FFFD) is enabled (that
970  * setting only affects writing of string values).
971  *
972  * The number must be a valid JSON number as described by RFC 4627, or a
973  * hexadecimal number conforming to the syntax of HexIntegerLiteral, as
974  * described in section 7.8.3 of ECMA-262. Otherwise, the writer sets its
975  * error to JSON_Error_InvalidNumber and returns failure.
976  */
979 /* Write a JSON "special" number literal to the output. */
982 /* Write a left curly-brace character to the output. */
985 /* Write a right curly-brace character to the output. */
988 /* Write a left square-brace character to the output. */
991 /* Write a right square-brace character to the output. */
994 /* Write a colon character to the output. */
997 /* Write a comma character to the output. */
1000 /* Write space characters to the output. */
1003 /* Write a newline sequence to the output. */
1006 #endif /* JSON_NO_WRITER */
1008 /******************** Miscellaneous API ********************/
1010 /* Information about the library version. */
1011 typedef struct tag_JSON_Version
1012 {
1013  unsigned int major;
1014  unsigned int minor;
1015  unsigned int micro;
1016 } JSON_Version;
1018 /* Get a pointer to the library version information. */
1021 /* Get a constant, null-terminated, ASCII string describing an error code. */
1024 /* Get the UTF-16 encoding whose endianness matches the target platform.
1025  *
1026  * This function always returns either JSON_UTF16LE or JSON_UTF16BE.
1027  */
1030 /* Get the UTF-32 encoding whose endianness matches the target platform.
1031  *
1032  * This function always returns either JSON_UTF32LE or JSON_UTF32BE.
1033  */
1036 #ifdef __cplusplus
1037 }
1038 #endif
1040 #endif /* JSONSAX_H_INCLUDED */
Definition: jsonsax_full.h:114
Definition: jsonsax_full.h:93
struct tag_JSON_Location JSON_Location
Definition: jsonsax_full.h:161
JSON_Status JSON_CALL JSON_Parser_SetSpecialNumberHandler(JSON_Parser parser, JSON_Parser_SpecialNumberHandler handler)
Definition: jsonsax_full.c:2898
JSON_Status JSON_CALL JSON_Parser_SetAllowBOM(JSON_Parser parser, JSON_Boolean allowBOM)
Definition: jsonsax_full.c:2660
enum tag_JSON_Parser_HandlerResult JSON_Parser_HandlerResult
Definition: jsonsax_full.h:880
JSON_Status JSON_CALL JSON_Parser_Parse(JSON_Parser parser, const char *pBytes, size_t length, JSON_Boolean isFinal)
Definition: jsonsax_full.c:2997
const GLvoid * ptr
Definition: nx_glsym.h:242
enum tag_JSON_Boolean JSON_Boolean
void *(JSON_CALL * JSON_ReallocHandler)(void *userData, void *ptr, size_t size)
Definition: jsonsax_full.h:199
Definition: jsonsax_full.h:115
Definition: jsonsax_full.h:124
JSON_Boolean useCRLF
Definition: jsonsax_full.h:810
Definition: jsonsax_full.h:541
JSON_Status JSON_CALL JSON_Parser_SetNullHandler(JSON_Parser parser, JSON_Parser_NullHandler handler)
Definition: jsonsax_full.c:2838
const char * pValue
Definition: jsonsax_full.h:952
JSON_Parser_HandlerResult(JSON_CALL * JSON_Parser_ObjectMemberHandler)(JSON_Parser parser, char *pValue, size_t length, JSON_StringAttributes attributes)
Definition: jsonsax_full.h:685
JSON_Boolean JSON_CALL JSON_Parser_GetAllowBOM(JSON_Parser parser)
Definition: jsonsax_full.c:2655
JSON_Status JSON_CALL JSON_Parser_SetAllowHexNumbers(JSON_Parser parser, JSON_Boolean allowHexNumbers)
Definition: jsonsax_full.c:2699
#define JSON_CALL
Definition: jsonsax_full.h:79
JSON_Status JSON_CALL JSON_Parser_SetEndObjectHandler(JSON_Parser parser, JSON_Parser_EndObjectHandler handler)
Definition: jsonsax_full.c:2927
Definition: jsonsax_full.h:104
Definition: jsonsax_full.h:86
size_t depth
Definition: jsonsax_full.h:189
JSON_Boolean JSON_CALL JSON_Writer_GetReplaceInvalidEncodingSequences(JSON_Writer writer)
Definition: jsonsax_full.c:3632
Definition: jsonsax_full.h:103
JSON_Status JSON_CALL JSON_Parser_SetStartObjectHandler(JSON_Parser parser, JSON_Parser_StartObjectHandler handler)
Definition: jsonsax_full.c:2912
JSON_Encoding JSON_CALL JSON_Parser_GetStringEncoding(JSON_Parser parser)
Definition: jsonsax_full.c:2597
Definition: jsonsax_full.h:113
JSON_Boolean allowUnescapedControlCharacters
Definition: jsonsax_full.h:410
JSON_Status JSON_CALL JSON_Writer_WriteColon(JSON_Writer writer)
Definition: jsonsax_full.c:3818
enum tag_JSON_Error JSON_Error
JSON_Parser_StringHandler JSON_CALL JSON_Parser_GetStringHandler(JSON_Parser parser)
Definition: jsonsax_full.c:2863
size_t line
Definition: jsonsax_full.h:183
JSON_Parser_SpecialNumberHandler JSON_CALL JSON_Parser_GetSpecialNumberHandler(JSON_Parser parser)
Definition: jsonsax_full.c:2893
JSON_Status JSON_CALL JSON_Writer_WriteComma(JSON_Writer writer)
Definition: jsonsax_full.c:3826
JSON_Status JSON_CALL JSON_Writer_SetUserData(JSON_Writer writer, void *userData)
Definition: jsonsax_full.c:3595
Definition: jsonsax_full.c:997
JSON_Boolean JSON_CALL JSON_Writer_GetUseCRLF(JSON_Writer writer)
Definition: jsonsax_full.c:3618
JSON_Status JSON_CALL JSON_Parser_SetStopAfterEmbeddedDocument(JSON_Parser parser, JSON_Boolean stopAfterEmbeddedDocument)
Definition: jsonsax_full.c:2754
JSON_Encoding encoding
Definition: jsonsax_full.h:274
Definition: jsonsax_full.h:139
Definition: jsonsax_full.h:108
JSON_Status JSON_CALL JSON_Writer_WriteNumber(JSON_Writer writer, const char *pValue, size_t length, JSON_Encoding encoding)
Definition: jsonsax_full.c:3734
JSON_Parser_NullHandler JSON_CALL JSON_Parser_GetEncodingDetectedHandler(JSON_Parser parser)
Definition: jsonsax_full.c:2818
Definition: jsonsax_full.h:543
JSON_Boolean JSON_CALL JSON_Parser_GetStopAfterEmbeddedDocument(JSON_Parser parser)
Definition: jsonsax_full.c:2749
JSON_Parser_ObjectMemberHandler JSON_CALL JSON_Parser_GetObjectMemberHandler(JSON_Parser parser)
Definition: jsonsax_full.c:2937
JSON_Boolean replaceInvalidEncodingSequences
Definition: jsonsax_full.h:434
JSON_Status JSON_CALL JSON_Parser_SetAllowComments(JSON_Parser parser, JSON_Boolean allowComments)
Definition: jsonsax_full.c:2673
JSON_Status JSON_CALL JSON_Writer_Reset(JSON_Writer writer)
Definition: jsonsax_full.c:3579
JSON_Status JSON_CALL JSON_Parser_SetTrackObjectMembers(JSON_Parser parser, JSON_Boolean trackObjectMembers)
Definition: jsonsax_full.c:2739
JSON_Status JSON_CALL JSON_Writer_WriteString(JSON_Writer writer, const char *pValue, size_t length, JSON_Encoding encoding)
Definition: jsonsax_full.c:3719
GLsizeiptr size
Definition: glext.h:6559
JSON_Writer JSON_CALL JSON_Writer_Create(const JSON_MemorySuite *pMemorySuite)
Definition: jsonsax_full.c:3544
JSON_Parser_BooleanHandler JSON_CALL JSON_Parser_GetBooleanHandler(JSON_Parser parser)
Definition: jsonsax_full.c:2848
JSON_Status JSON_CALL JSON_Parser_GetTokenLocation(JSON_Parser parser, JSON_Location *pLocation)
Definition: jsonsax_full.c:2792
Definition: jsonsax_full.h:128
JSON_Error JSON_CALL JSON_Parser_GetError(JSON_Parser parser)
Definition: jsonsax_full.c:2765
JSON_Boolean JSON_CALL JSON_Writer_GetEscapeAllNonASCIICharacters(JSON_Writer writer)
Definition: jsonsax_full.c:3646
Definition: jsonsax_full.h:126
JSON_Status JSON_CALL JSON_Parser_SetEndArrayHandler(JSON_Parser parser, JSON_Parser_EndArrayHandler handler)
Definition: jsonsax_full.c:2972
Definition: jsonsax_full.h:106
JSON_Status JSON_CALL JSON_Parser_SetMaxStringLength(JSON_Parser parser, size_t maxLength)
Definition: jsonsax_full.c:2619
Definition: jsonsax_full.h:203
JSON_Encoding JSON_CALL JSON_Parser_GetInputEncoding(JSON_Parser parser)
Definition: jsonsax_full.c:2581
GLsizei maxLength
Definition: glext.h:7544
JSON_Parser_HandlerResult(JSON_CALL * JSON_Parser_StartArrayHandler)(JSON_Parser parser)
Definition: jsonsax_full.h:692
JSON_Status JSON_CALL JSON_Parser_SetObjectMemberHandler(JSON_Parser parser, JSON_Parser_ObjectMemberHandler handler)
Definition: jsonsax_full.c:2942
size_t JSON_CALL JSON_Parser_GetMaxNumberLength(JSON_Parser parser)
Definition: jsonsax_full.c:2641
typedef void(__stdcall *PFN_DESTRUCTION_CALLBACK)(void *pData)
void * userData
Definition: jsonsax_full.h:205
JSON_Boolean JSON_CALL JSON_Parser_GetAllowSpecialNumbers(JSON_Parser parser)
Definition: jsonsax_full.c:2681
Definition: jsonsax_full.h:122
JSON_Boolean trackObjectMembers
Definition: jsonsax_full.h:455
Definition: jsonsax_full.h:545
JSON_Boolean JSON_CALL JSON_Parser_GetAllowComments(JSON_Parser parser)
Definition: jsonsax_full.c:2668
JSON_Boolean allowHexNumbers
Definition: jsonsax_full.h:397
JSON_Status JSON_CALL JSON_Writer_Free(JSON_Writer writer)
Definition: jsonsax_full.c:3568
Definition: jsonsax_full.h:544
JSON_Parser_NumberHandler JSON_CALL JSON_Parser_GetNumberHandler(JSON_Parser parser)
Definition: jsonsax_full.c:2878
unsigned int major
Definition: jsonsax_full.h:1013
static GX2AttribVar attributes[]
Definition: bokeh.c:713
Definition: jsonsax_full.h:112
JSON_Status JSON_CALL JSON_Parser_GetErrorLocation(JSON_Parser parser, JSON_Location *pLocation)
Definition: jsonsax_full.c:2770
Definition: jsonsax_full.h:165
Definition: jsonsax_full.h:138
JSON_Boolean escapeAllNonASCIICharacters
Definition: jsonsax_full.h:834
JSON_Status JSON_CALL JSON_Writer_SetUseCRLF(JSON_Writer writer, JSON_Boolean useCRLF)
Definition: jsonsax_full.c:3623
JSON_Status JSON_CALL JSON_Parser_SetStringEncoding(JSON_Parser parser, JSON_Encoding encoding)
Definition: jsonsax_full.c:2602
JSON_Parser_HandlerResult(JSON_CALL * JSON_Parser_NullHandler)(JSON_Parser parser)
Definition: jsonsax_full.h:566
Definition: jsonsax_full.h:140
JSON_Boolean value
Definition: jsonsax_full.h:902
JSON_Boolean allowSpecialNumbers
Definition: jsonsax_full.h:375
JSON_Error JSON_CALL JSON_Writer_GetError(JSON_Writer writer)
Definition: jsonsax_full.c:3660
JSON_Status JSON_CALL JSON_Writer_WriteBoolean(JSON_Writer writer, JSON_Boolean value)
Definition: jsonsax_full.c:3689
JSON_Status JSON_CALL JSON_Parser_SetStartArrayHandler(JSON_Parser parser, JSON_Parser_StartArrayHandler handler)
Definition: jsonsax_full.c:2957
JSON_Status JSON_CALL JSON_Parser_Reset(JSON_Parser parser)
Definition: jsonsax_full.c:2558
Definition: jsonsax_full.h:150
Definition: jsonsax_full.h:159
void *JSON_CALL JSON_Writer_GetUserData(JSON_Writer writer)
Definition: jsonsax_full.c:3590
enum tag_JSON_NumberAttribute JSON_NumberAttribute
size_t byte
Definition: jsonsax_full.h:172
JSON_Status JSON_CALL JSON_Writer_WriteStartObject(JSON_Writer writer)
Definition: jsonsax_full.c:3786
enum tag_JSON_StringAttribute JSON_StringAttribute
JSON_Status JSON_CALL JSON_Parser_SetNumberEncoding(JSON_Parser parser, JSON_Encoding encoding)
Definition: jsonsax_full.c:2633
struct tag_JSON_MemorySuite JSON_MemorySuite
JSON_Parser_HandlerResult(JSON_CALL * JSON_Parser_ArrayItemHandler)(JSON_Parser parser)
Definition: jsonsax_full.h:709
JSON_Boolean JSON_CALL JSON_Parser_GetAllowHexNumbers(JSON_Parser parser)
Definition: jsonsax_full.c:2694
Definition: jsonsax_full.h:137
static l_noret error(LoadState *S, const char *why)
Definition: lundump.c:39
JSON_Parser_HandlerResult(JSON_CALL * JSON_Parser_EndObjectHandler)(JSON_Parser parser)
Definition: jsonsax_full.h:652
JSON_Status JSON_CALL JSON_Parser_SetReplaceInvalidEncodingSequences(JSON_Parser parser, JSON_Boolean replaceInvalidEncodingSequences)
Definition: jsonsax_full.c:2725
JSON_Boolean allowComments
Definition: jsonsax_full.h:361
Definition: jsonsax_full.h:878
Definition: jsonsax_full.h:149
static int writer(lua_State *L, const void *b, size_t size, void *B)
Definition: lstrlib.c:182
Definition: jsonsax_full.h:135
JSON_Writer_OutputHandler JSON_CALL JSON_Writer_GetOutputHandler(JSON_Writer writer)
Definition: jsonsax_full.c:3665
JSON_Boolean stopAfterEmbeddedDocument
Definition: jsonsax_full.h:472
JSON_Parser_HandlerResult(JSON_CALL * JSON_Parser_EndArrayHandler)(JSON_Parser parser)
Definition: jsonsax_full.h:699
const JSON_Version *JSON_CALL JSON_LibraryVersion(void)
Definition: jsonsax_full.c:3885
Definition: jsonsax_full.h:89
Definition: jsonsax_full.h:147
Definition: jsonsax_full.c:3055
JSON_Status JSON_CALL JSON_Parser_SetInputEncoding(JSON_Parser parser, JSON_Encoding encoding)
Definition: jsonsax_full.c:2586
JSON_Encoding JSON_CALL JSON_NativeUTF32Encoding(void)
Definition: jsonsax_full.c:3926
JSON_Status JSON_CALL JSON_Writer_WriteEndObject(JSON_Writer writer)
Definition: jsonsax_full.c:3794
JSON_Parser JSON_CALL JSON_Parser_Create(const JSON_MemorySuite *pMemorySuite)
Definition: jsonsax_full.c:2514
Definition: jsonsax_full.h:136
JSON_Parser_HandlerResult(JSON_CALL * JSON_Parser_BooleanHandler)(JSON_Parser parser, JSON_Boolean value)
Definition: jsonsax_full.h:573
Definition: jsonsax_full.h:96
JSON_Parser_HandlerResult(JSON_CALL * JSON_Parser_SpecialNumberHandler)(JSON_Parser parser, JSON_SpecialNumber value)
Definition: jsonsax_full.h:638
Definition: jsonsax_full.h:151
JSON_Status JSON_CALL JSON_Writer_WriteEndArray(JSON_Writer writer)
Definition: jsonsax_full.c:3810
Definition: jsonsax_full.h:88
JSON_Boolean allowBOM
Definition: jsonsax_full.h:345
JSON_Parser_HandlerResult(JSON_CALL * JSON_Parser_NumberHandler)(JSON_Parser parser, char *pValue, size_t length, JSON_NumberAttributes attributes)
Definition: jsonsax_full.h:631
enum tag_JSON_SpecialNumber JSON_SpecialNumber
JSON_Parser_HandlerResult(JSON_CALL * JSON_Parser_StringHandler)(JSON_Parser parser, char *pValue, size_t length, JSON_StringAttributes attributes)
Definition: jsonsax_full.h:600
enum tag_JSON_Encoding JSON_Encoding
Definition: jsonsax_full.h:100
JSON_Parser_HandlerResult(JSON_CALL * JSON_Parser_StartObjectHandler)(JSON_Parser parser)
Definition: jsonsax_full.h:645
Definition: jsonsax_full.h:133
JSON_Status JSON_CALL JSON_Parser_SetBooleanHandler(JSON_Parser parser, JSON_Parser_BooleanHandler handler)
Definition: jsonsax_full.c:2853
JSON_Status JSON_CALL JSON_Writer_SetOutputHandler(JSON_Writer writer, JSON_Writer_OutputHandler handler)
Definition: jsonsax_full.c:3670
JSON_Parser_EndObjectHandler JSON_CALL JSON_Parser_GetEndObjectHandler(JSON_Parser parser)
Definition: jsonsax_full.c:2922
enum tag_JSON_Writer_HandlerResult JSON_Writer_HandlerResult
JSON_Parser_ArrayItemHandler JSON_CALL JSON_Parser_GetArrayItemHandler(JSON_Parser parser)
Definition: jsonsax_full.c:2982
JSON_ReallocHandler realloc
Definition: jsonsax_full.h:206
JSON_Status JSON_CALL JSON_Writer_WriteSpecialNumber(JSON_Writer writer, JSON_SpecialNumber value)
Definition: jsonsax_full.c:3749
const char * pBytes
Definition: jsonsax_full.h:735
Definition: jsonsax_full.h:129
JSON_FreeHandler free
Definition: jsonsax_full.h:207
JSON_Status JSON_CALL JSON_Parser_SetAllowUnescapedControlCharacters(JSON_Parser parser, JSON_Boolean allowUnescapedControlCharacters)
Definition: jsonsax_full.c:2712
Definition: jsonsax_full.h:95
#define JSON_API(t)
Definition: jsonsax_full.h:83
const char *JSON_CALL JSON_ErrorString(JSON_Error error)
Definition: jsonsax_full.c:3891
JSON_Status JSON_CALL JSON_Parser_SetEncodingDetectedHandler(JSON_Parser parser, JSON_Parser_EncodingDetectedHandler handler)
Definition: jsonsax_full.c:2823
Definition: jsonsax_full.h:116
struct JSON_Writer_Data * JSON_Writer
Definition: jsonsax_full.h:745
JSON_Encoding JSON_CALL JSON_NativeUTF16Encoding(void)
Definition: jsonsax_full.c:3921
const char size_t length
Definition: jsonsax_full.h:735
JSON_Boolean JSON_CALL JSON_Parser_GetAllowUnescapedControlCharacters(JSON_Parser parser)
Definition: jsonsax_full.c:2707
Definition: jsonsax_full.h:160
JSON_Status JSON_CALL JSON_Parser_SetMaxNumberLength(JSON_Parser parser, size_t maxLength)
Definition: jsonsax_full.c:2646
struct JSON_Parser_Data * JSON_Parser
Definition: jsonsax_full.h:216
JSON_Parser_StartObjectHandler JSON_CALL JSON_Parser_GetStartObjectHandler(JSON_Parser parser)
Definition: jsonsax_full.c:2907
unsigned int JSON_StringAttributes
Definition: jsonsax_full.h:142
Definition: jsonsax_full.h:881
JSON_Parser_EncodingDetectedHandler handler
Definition: jsonsax_full.h:561
JSON_Boolean JSON_CALL JSON_Parser_GetTrackObjectMembers(JSON_Parser parser)
Definition: jsonsax_full.c:2734
Definition: jsonsax_full.h:111
JSON_Location * pLocation
Definition: jsonsax_full.h:490
Definition: jsonsax_full.h:117
Definition: jsonsax_full.h:127
Definition: jsonsax_full.h:125
JSON_Status JSON_CALL JSON_Parser_GetAfterTokenLocation(JSON_Parser parser, JSON_Location *pLocation)
Definition: jsonsax_full.c:2805
Definition: jsonsax_full.h:118
Definition: jsonsax_full.h:157
Definition: jsonsax_full.h:109
GLsizei const GLfloat * value
Definition: glext.h:6709
JSON_Status JSON_CALL JSON_Parser_Free(JSON_Parser parser)
Definition: jsonsax_full.c:2540
struct tag_JSON_Version JSON_Version
void(JSON_CALL * JSON_FreeHandler)(void *userData, void *ptr)
Definition: jsonsax_full.h:200
JSON_Status JSON_CALL JSON_Parser_SetArrayItemHandler(JSON_Parser parser, JSON_Parser_ArrayItemHandler handler)
Definition: jsonsax_full.c:2987
JSON_Boolean JSON_CALL JSON_Parser_GetReplaceInvalidEncodingSequences(JSON_Parser parser)
Definition: jsonsax_full.c:2720
JSON_Status JSON_CALL JSON_Writer_WriteSpace(JSON_Writer writer, size_t numberOfSpaces)
Definition: jsonsax_full.c:3834
Definition: jsonsax_full.h:105
JSON_Encoding JSON_CALL JSON_Writer_GetOutputEncoding(JSON_Writer writer)
Definition: jsonsax_full.c:3604
void *JSON_CALL JSON_Parser_GetUserData(JSON_Parser parser)
Definition: jsonsax_full.c:2568
JSON_Encoding JSON_CALL JSON_Parser_GetNumberEncoding(JSON_Parser parser)
Definition: jsonsax_full.c:2628
JSON_Status JSON_CALL JSON_Parser_SetStringHandler(JSON_Parser parser, JSON_Parser_StringHandler handler)
Definition: jsonsax_full.c:2868
size_t numberOfSpaces
Definition: jsonsax_full.h:1001
void * userData
Definition: jsonsax_full.h:259
Definition: jsonsax_full.h:107
const char size_t JSON_Boolean isFinal
Definition: jsonsax_full.h:735
JSON_Status JSON_CALL JSON_Writer_SetEscapeAllNonASCIICharacters(JSON_Writer writer, JSON_Boolean escapeAllNonASCIICharacters)
Definition: jsonsax_full.c:3651
size_t JSON_CALL JSON_Parser_GetMaxStringLength(JSON_Parser parser)
Definition: jsonsax_full.c:2614
enum tag_JSON_Status JSON_Status
Definition: jsonsax_full.h:102
JSON_Parser_StartArrayHandler JSON_CALL JSON_Parser_GetStartArrayHandler(JSON_Parser parser)
Definition: jsonsax_full.c:2952
JSON_Status JSON_CALL JSON_Writer_WriteStartArray(JSON_Writer writer)
Definition: jsonsax_full.c:3802
unsigned int micro
Definition: jsonsax_full.h:1015
Definition: jsonsax_full.h:110
JSON_Parser_HandlerResult(JSON_CALL * JSON_Parser_EncodingDetectedHandler)(JSON_Parser parser)
Definition: jsonsax_full.h:559
unsigned int minor
Definition: jsonsax_full.h:1014
JSON_Parser_NullHandler JSON_CALL JSON_Parser_GetNullHandler(JSON_Parser parser)
Definition: jsonsax_full.c:2833
JSON_Status JSON_CALL JSON_Writer_SetOutputEncoding(JSON_Writer writer, JSON_Encoding encoding)
Definition: jsonsax_full.c:3609
Definition: jsonsax_full.h:145
Definition: jsonsax_full.h:148
JSON_Writer_HandlerResult(JSON_CALL * JSON_Writer_OutputHandler)(JSON_Writer writer, const char *pBytes, size_t length)
Definition: jsonsax_full.h:894
JSON_Status JSON_CALL JSON_Writer_WriteNull(JSON_Writer writer)
Definition: jsonsax_full.c:3679
GLenum GLuint GLenum GLsizei length
Definition: glext.h:6233
unsigned int JSON_NumberAttributes
Definition: jsonsax_full.h:154
size_t column
Definition: jsonsax_full.h:186
JSON_Parser_EndArrayHandler JSON_CALL JSON_Parser_GetEndArrayHandler(JSON_Parser parser)
Definition: jsonsax_full.c:2967
JSON_Status JSON_CALL JSON_Writer_SetReplaceInvalidEncodingSequences(JSON_Writer writer, JSON_Boolean replaceInvalidEncodingSequences)
Definition: jsonsax_full.c:3637
Definition: jsonsax_full.h:152
Definition: jsonsax_full.h:1011
JSON_Status JSON_CALL JSON_Writer_WriteNewLine(JSON_Writer writer)
Definition: jsonsax_full.c:3846
JSON_Status JSON_CALL JSON_Parser_SetUserData(JSON_Parser parser, void *userData)
Definition: jsonsax_full.c:2573
JSON_Status JSON_CALL JSON_Parser_SetNumberHandler(JSON_Parser parser, JSON_Parser_NumberHandler handler)
Definition: jsonsax_full.c:2883
JSON_Status JSON_CALL JSON_Parser_SetAllowSpecialNumbers(JSON_Parser parser, JSON_Boolean allowSpecialNumbers)
Definition: jsonsax_full.c:2686